Chapter 1113

Chapter 1086 Detect

##Darius said hoarsely, "You're lying to me."

Hansley shuddered, then looked at Darius in disbelief. He thought he'd hidden the truth well. He didn't expect Darius to see right through him. Were his instincts as an enlightened martial artist capable of this?

Maybe Darius was bluffing. He was trying to fluster him so he'd come clean out of fear. Hansley felt he was right to think this way.

He looked Darius in the eye and said, "I'm your father's friend, Darius. Do you realize how rude you're being by treating me like this?"

Darius snorted and pointed at his forehead. "Look at me."

Hansley did as he was told. All he could see was Darius' flawless forehead. He was about to say something along those lines when he saw the sneer on Darius' face. It made his blood run cold. He decided to remain silent and looked at Darius dazedly.

Darius' gaze turned contemptuous. He never expected his father's friend to turn out like this. Despite his fear, Hansley was still trying to ha
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