Chapter 1114

To the black-robed person's surprise, Darius raised an eyebrow. Then, he gave him a mocking look. "You seem excited." As he spoke, he pulled his phone out. He didn't take his eyes off Hansley as he did this. This made Hansley's joy and excitement die down.

Hansley could see the mockery in Darius' eyes. He trembled uncontrollably. Darius looked away from Hansley and at his phone. Hansley sagged in relief at this, but it only lasted for a second. In the next second, he met Darius' gaze again.

His breathing hitched. He'd never felt this nervous in his life. Darius could only roll his eyes at Hansley's cowardice. "You thought I was gonna answer the phone, didn't you?" He smiled disdainfully.

Hansley gulped nervously. At the same time, his heart sank. He knew Darius wasn't gonna answer the phone, but he couldn't help staring at it. He imagined himself making a run for it while Darius was on the phone. It would be nothing but a dream.

He looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown. Dariu
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