Chapter 1118

Hansley lay on the ground, trembling with fear. "D-Darius, you can't do this! You're already an enlightened martial artist. Killing me won't do you any good!" His eyes darted around as he tried to find Darius. Unfortunately, the black dragons were all he could see.

Then, the pain was all he could feel. He shouted, "Darius, you're an inhumane monster! I treated you well after your father's death. Is this how you're repaying me?"

Darius raised an eyebrow.

His bloodlust grew stronger.

Never in his life had he wanted to kill someone so badly. He frowned.

After a few seconds, he stretched out an arm and focused his gaze on Hansley. He stopped suppressing his life force. All he wanted was to go along with what his heart desired.

Darius didn't know his eyes were slowly turning red. His skin was also turning black from the life force.

With these changes, more and more life force gathered around him. He raised an eyebrow and smiled. It was an eerie sight.

Hansley was still on the ground. He
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