Chapter 1124

"You look like you're raring to go, sir. Are you that excited to get into a fight?" Darius said.

Teivel raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Is it that obvious?" He rubbed his face roughly. "Obvious enough for you to read me like an open book?"

Darius' lips twitched. Then, he said, "Yes. Now, tell me what your plan is."

Teivel's expression became serious. This was Darius' first time seeing him like this. "Hansley's very sly. He must have some ulterior motive for showing up before us. There's nothing much we can do about this situation.

"There's one way we can catch him out, though. We need to make him think he's powerful beyond imagination and that we believe his lies. That's the only way for us to make him slip up and reveal more information to us."

Teivel sighed. "Unfortunately, it's close to impossible for him to believe you've fallen for his tricks. The same can't be said for me, though."

He raised an eyebrow. "Do you understand me now?"

Darius looked surprised. He'd never thought about
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