Chapter 66

The next two days went on as usual for Darius. He went to classes as usual, practiced his martial arts and made some time to relax. Now that majority of his work had been delegated to Erin, he now had some free time for himself.

The situation with Helen was however a bit complicated. Although he was still shocked about the kiss from Helen, there was nothing he could do about it as Helen had put him in a bind.

He had gone to the hospital today as her roommate was being discharged. He drove her roommate to her dormitory personally with the hopes of fishing her out, but the result was the same as other days.

Since she kissed him on the night he saved her, Helen had avoided him like the plague. He had called her several times to keep her updated about the progress of her friend in the hospital, but she had refused to pick any of his calls. He only got reports from Erin that she visited the hospital regularly during the time her roommate was hospitalized.

Frustrated by her antics, he h
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