Chapter One Hundred And Seventy One
There was a happy vibe around George's house. The sound of clinking glasses was accompanied by laughter at his extravagant celebration of his latest successes. The sensation of achievement that permeated the air was evidence of his unwavering pursuit of his objectives. The colourful tapestry of attendees included friends, neighbours, business associates, and even distant relatives from his mother's side.

The evening transpired as to a dream. Tables creaked from the weight of a magnificent feast, as servers made their way through the throng, passing flutes of champagne to each person to make sure their glass was full. The air was filled with music, a subtle fusion of modern and classical styles that created an exquisite but welcoming atmosphere.

George found himself surrounded by his closest business associates as the evening wore on. Mr. Petrov, an experienced investor renowned for his quality of being able to quickly understand a situation and see how to get an advantage from it, an
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