Chapter 334

"And you ..who do you think you are?!" Grandma Dawns questioned angrily..At her sentence, most had stopped talking so as to listen to what she had to say.

They had their microphone and camera directed towards her, not wanting to miss anything from her.

"How can you come up here and make claims while bringing up things of years back like that? Who are you to make Such claims? What do you even think of yourself! You're Just a nobody!"

Matt still had that Smirk on as he stared at Grandma Dawns. He could already tell that she was burning with fury and that was what he wanted.

"Oh me..." Matt sighed " I see... Maybe that's what it is.. Maybe I'm just a nobody to you all..But that doesn't matter Anyways. Does it?" He smiled "And yes.. I guess I'm done with all the claims I have to present to you and I guess I've done more than enough by elaborating what I could. so I Hope you guys can b6 rational and judge it fairly "

"How can a nobody like him Storm out of nowhere and make silly claims wit
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