The Devil Undercover system
The Devil Undercover system
Author: Yona Birdy
Chapter 1: The Hamsey Company

" You think you can do this to me and I would just watch you all doing it!! "

Benjamin yelled at the dinner as he couldn't move when his nurse was removing his tube.

" Son, you were an amazing actor and CEO, but look at you, the company needs someone like us to lead it, you can't even walk now. "

Mark told his son which made Benjamin look at his mother.

" Mom, tell him anything, you know I can still direct even if I can't act, I write many songs and plays, why are you taking what is mine? "

Benjamin cried which made his younger brother enter the conversation.

" Tsk, I didn't know you hated me this much, you don't want me to lead the company is that it? "

" You know it's not that! "

Benjamin looked at his brother Chris, as he approached him to whisper.

" This time, it was a small accident, why don't you lay down brother? "

" You! "

Benjamin jumped his younger brother which leads to many injuries to both of them.


The next morning.

" What! My son would never use drugs what are you even saying? "

" Look here sir, in the company documents, he uses drugs and steals from the company's money also. "

Benjamin was in shock looking at the person looking exactly like him doing all that.

" Are you going to believe him without even a drug test? "

Benjamin was tired of all that, he was just out of his wheelchair days ago so he would go to use drugs.

They did the drug test and it was.

" He is taking drugs, sir. "

Benjamin was slapped as he shut his eyes, the first person he thought of was his personal nurse.

She was the only one giving him meds.

His brother Chris must be paid her to do it.

" You're no longer needed in my entertainment company, no one should see your face, you should be in prison. "

" Mark! "

Benjamin's mother was crying she was the only person who loved him in this family and saw a real talent in him.

" The prison would be better than seeing Chris' hypocrite face or yours. "

Mark slapped him again as he ordered the guard to call the police on his son.

" It was my company, my right, and I'm going to get it back, now or later. "

Benjamin told his brother the words before leaving for prison.

He got to prison because of something he didn't even do or commit.

Just because some people have some power.

Now he can't lead the hamsey company for entertainment again.

Or act again.

[ Psst ]

Benjamin looked at his side in his cell.

" I must be tired, I'm imagining things. "

[ Psst, I'm In front of you, open your eyes. ]

Benjamin opened his eyes he saw writing in front of him he raised an eyebrow.

" Yeah, the drugs must be really effective. "

[ Don't you want to avenge? I'm the system that would help you, you can call me your devil in disguise. ]

" Can you stop joking, I'm really sleepy, I saw that movie hundreds of times. "


Benjamin opened his eyes again, sitting normally as he stared at the writing.

" I'm willing to accept my punishment, when my hatred raise maybe then I will call you. "

[ As you wish! But be careful, don't let me wait for too long, because I get hungry for souls. ]

" What the, is he really a devil? "


15 years later

Benjamin was 34

He was eating his dinner in prison in pieces when those squads came to mock him.

" Hey you, isn't he too soft to be in this prison with us? "

" Shh, don't mock him, he has been here for 15 years. "

" For that long? What for? "

" His father is a higher ground, he is punishing him. "

" He looks like an actor. "

They came to sit beside Benjamin who gave them a side look.

" No need to be angry, we're trying to be friends "

" Yes, what is Blondie's name? "

Benjamin stand up and smacked the one who tried to touch him, the whole squad got angry and called their friends but Benjamin unleashed his powers on them.

" Hey, system. "

[ Yes. ]

" Hungry for souls? "

[ Always. ]

The system swallowed each soul in the room and no one survives the fight but Benjamin.

He had to escape the prison this night.

The first stop he went to was the hamsey company.

" Br, brother! You are finally out of prison. "

Chris was shaking as he was sitting beside the other judgment group, Benjamin didn't want to scare the others.

" I will wait for you outside. "

Chris never came outside because he ran away from the window, the judgment group was scared of Benjamin but Benjamin smiled politely for them before leaving.

He decided to go home.

He didn't find his family, they changed their address, and he couldn't reach Chris's number either.

Chris just ran away like the rat he is.

[ Looks like your revenge will take much longer, and you have a belly to feed now. ]

Now Benjamin is a runway killer who is looking for his family but at the very least he was able to get his company back.

With the higher ground and the underground power, he can do anything.

No one can stop him anymore.

" Just so you know, you will eat when I tell you to until then your power is mine! "

[ Fine! Let's go to the club! ]

Benjamin sighed as he has more important things to indented to, like taking his role to the place.

The hamsey company.

He would be the Executive Director.


" Executive Director Benjamin, the company welcomes you. "

Now everyone is working for him, no one can tell him you're out of prison or an outlaw.

He doesn't know back then.

He would meet this very woman.

Who would change the monster he became?

" Please recommend to me the better clubs in town "

Benjamin said with his usual arrogance

He asked his secretary, she was so delicious to take his soul right now but then the

the position would be empty.

It would be a pain to refill.

" I will recommend an underground club that will suit your tastes director. "


To be continued

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