Friends with Benefits

Chapter - 09

"YEAH!" Alex cried out in excitement, but when he came to sense over his overenthusiastic display of happiness and saw the people in the room looking at him weirdly, he quickly gave a slight bow to the ladies in charge and sat slumped back in his seat, trying to hide behind the big guy in front of him, avoiding everyone's gaze.

He waited for the ladies to continue, but when he did not hear the lady speak again, he peeked from behind the big guy and found the ladies still looking in his direction. Embarrassed. he could do nothing but hide behind the guy once again.

The lady finally continued again, "Well, once again, those who did not pass the first stage, try harder, and we hope that you get to join this company the next time. Those whose name was called out just now, congratulations. Please pack your stuff and follow behind us. We will be waiting for you outside," the lady said and walked out of the room along with others who were in charge.

The three ladies hurriedly picked up their stuff, and since they were already seated at the front, dashed out of the room. Alex didn't bring much with him. He picked up his bag and decided to slowly walk out of the room in no hurry.

But he hadn't even taken two steps when all the guys in the room ganged up on him, leaving no room for him to escape. Surrounded by so many guys, it would be weird if Alex wouldn't feel threatened and have his survival instincts kick in.

Adjusting his collar, Alex tried to keep a brave front and asked, "Wha... What do you guys want?"

"Boy, Do you know who I am? Who we are?" One of the men, probably in his early thirties, asked.

Alex was taken aback by the question. He had no idea what context it had and all he could do was slightly nod his head before shaking it in denial. He was not sure which path to take so, he ended up neither agreeing nor denying with the man.

"Listen up, boy..." the man continued, slowly approaching Alex. When he was close enough, the man held Alex's hand, sending shivers down the latter's spine.

'No... Please don't... I am begging you. Anything... Anything but that... At least not... not... here..." Alex cried out in his heart. He closed his eyes, and slowly... slowly, he was giving in to his dreadful fate. But deep in his heart, he continued to scream trying to make sure he remembered that he didn't swing the other way.

But contrary to Alex expectations, the man did nothing but slowly slid something into Alex's palm. When Alex felt something in his hand, he slowly opened his eyes and was surprised to see what it was. When he looked at the man in front of her, the latter just winked at him assuringly. In his palms was a card that read CEO of some company. After that, in a matter of minutes, Alex's palm was full of dozens of cards. Each read something along the same lines as CEO, Managing Director, Senior Manager and so on.

Unsure of what was going on, Alex looked at the bunch in front of him with questioning eyes.

Noticing the confused look in his eyes, the man in the front who was leading the charge put his arms around Alex and said, "Look, boy. Everyone here is a big deal in their own field. So why do you think we all are here?" The man asked.

Alex just raised his eyebrows gesturing for the man to continue.

"Girls, man... Girls. All of us are here for the women. This company is a garden full of beautiful flowers ready to be plucked," the man told Alex with great enthusiasm.

Alex nodded, "Well, that's true. But, what do you want from me?" Alex asked.

"What else? We want you to hook us with girls from here. Introduce us to them as close friends, bring them to parties we throw, just do whatever you can, man, and... and in exchange, whenever you are in trouble, just ring us up, and we will be there. Ain't that right, boys?" the man proposed to Alex and asked the others around him.



"Absolutely, my man..."

Everyone in the group agreed with the man.

The man then turned towards Alex, and putting his hand on his shoulder, gave it a little squeeze before asking, "So, now where do you stand, MY BOY?"

"I don't think..." Alex started with a bit of reluctance.

"Hmmm?" The man glared at Alex.

"...I have any reason not to accept the offer. I will try my best to be of service," Alex changed his tone.

"My man... My man... Now that's what I am talkin' 'bout. I knew I could trust you. Now tell me your number. I am gonna add you to our group," the man said.

"What kind of group?"

"It ain't nothing much. It's just a group of us guys and a few more. Now we are going to add you too. I will give you two odd months to mingle with the women here, after that, you better be useful, or else..." the man tried to scare Alex.

"But what if I don't get the job? There is still the interview I need to face," Alex asked cautiously.

"We will think 'bout it later. Now hurry up, or you're goin' to be late," After the man was done taking his number, he pushed Alex out of the encirclement.

Just as Alex exited the room, he saw one of the ladies in charge of the interview process waiting outside.

"You are here... Let's go," the lady said when she saw Alex walk out of the room and turned around to leave.

"I am sorry. I was..." Alex apologised. He was about to tell her why he got delayed but stopped.

The lady looked at him and smiled, "It's alright. You couldn't have escaped from them any faster."

Alex was embarrassed when he heard her. Either she already knew what was happening inside, heard them or both.

Alex followed the lady to another room. The other three girls who passed the exam were already there.

"In a while, you will be called inside one by one. You can relax till then and have something to drink," the lady said and called out for a man passing by there. She whispered something to him, and he went away only to be back with refreshments for them.

"Anne Allinson," the first one was called after waiting there for about ten minutes.

It took about fifteen minutes for Annie to walk out of the room. One by one, the others were also called inside.

"Alex Rutherford," Finally it was Alex turn after more than half an hour, and since he was the last one to be called. He was the most nervous of them all.

* * * * *

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