Chapter 40

Gerald's system was restless!

This made Gerald know that something was up.

"Please! Please!" He heard a child's voice.

"Please don't kill me!" A lady's voice screamed.

"Gha!" Gunshots began blasting downstairs.

Gerald activates his powers and opens his eyes.

Without Gerald's system, he would have been long dead so he needed to be more careful too.

That nurse betrayed him.

Gerald suspected his uncle Henrik had sent his men to get him for not showing up on time.

He knew they could tell he was here.

"Open the damn door!" A crooked man's voice shouts.

"Coming!" Gerald replied to him as he pulled out a fire extinguisher from the side of the wall.

"You can come in." Gerald said to him.

The man pulled the door handle entering with his gun as Gerald stayed hidden by the side.

As soon as he entered the room and Gerald had seen his hand, He used the extinguisher to hit his weapon away from his hand.

And then Gerald used the iron to hit his head as well, causing the man to have a concus
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