81 At Liam's Father's Mansion
They got to Liam's father's mansion. The guards opened the car doors for them and they stepped out with smiling faces.

“Wow!” Kate gasped after setting eyes on the mansion and everything in the compound. “ Your father is a billionaire and you work with us?”

“My father? Nah...he is my uncle and I live with him.” Charlotte responded as she led Kate to the lounge.

“Ohh, this mansion is dope. I can't hide that fact.” Kate praised the mansion as she kept scanning around with admiration.

“You are welcome to my uncle's house. Feel free because it's your house as well.” Charlotte said to Kate with happiness because her mission was completed.

The next thing she should be expecting is her freedom from her ruthless cousin's brother, Liam.

“Thank you,” Kate appreciated as they stepped into the lounge.

All the house servants who they came in contact with bowed and greeted them.

Unfortunately, Liam's two puppets were eating dinner. Immediately they saw Kate, they began smiling as they gazed at her.

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