The Divorced Billionaire

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The Divorced Billionaire

By: EBEST CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 186 views: 20.0K

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He hid his identity just to help a family, but got divorced, mocked, and humiliated. He couldn't believe that the woman he so much loved and trusted will one day ask him for a divorce. However, he accepted and left, but on that fateful day, she lost everything. Nothing to burst about as she always does. She was left with no option but to run back to him to beg for mercy, so he can accept her back as his wife. This was after she discovered that he was the secret behind her success and the president of the Fredericks' company.

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    Check out my newly contracted book on Goodnovel ’Love, Lies, And Hidden Truths'. I promise you that you won't regret reading.

    2024-05-31 05:27:38


    Check out my new contracted book, “ From Squalor To Splendor”

    2023-11-16 18:39:29
  • M_dee


    I love the twists, nice book author, thumbs up and keep up the good work

    2023-10-21 05:05:47


    A new book is dropping soon. Anticipate! Thank you my motivators.

    2023-10-13 23:08:56
  • De_Prodigy


    Wow!!! It was a great read and worth my time reading this perfectly plotted story. I must say that it was well written and immersive that I lose track of how many chapters I have read sometimes... I recommend it to anyone out there

    2023-09-04 04:19:40
  • Chiyo Kobayashi


    It's criminal how this novel is so good!! I'm so hooked that I lose track of time every moment I set gaze upon my phone. The plot pacing, the MC, everything about that was involved in the story's creation was amazing. No gripes whatsoever. Amazing read!

    2023-09-03 14:59:58
  • Emmanuel feany


    A good book with interesting and intriguing plot. Great job author.

    2023-09-03 14:03:18


    Hey my lovely motivators (readers). I'm glad to announce my second female lead book on Goodnovel. Please support, and thank you in advance. Title: SOLD TO THE SAVAGE ALPHA

    2023-08-02 18:54:57


    Hi lovely readers. Support my FL book on goodnovel. Title = Blindfolded By My Ex-husband. Thank y'all ...

    2023-07-05 18:45:01
  • MKmanyr


    This is the definition of a gem Intense plot full of rollercoaster of emotions

    2023-06-10 15:32:54
  • Little Goddess


    Fantastic work! The moment I read the first chapter, I just kept on reading because I want to know how Aidan will deal with his ex-inlaws. Nice work, author. ...

    2023-06-09 21:56:14
  • MoonlightOfure


    And the first chapter was really intruding...nice one

    2023-06-08 05:59:41
  • BrewingFantasies


    Really want to know if author plans to bring Kate down or not? If the author won't I'd eradicate that B woman myself. ...... Absolutely disgusting. The face slapping is satisfactory but can MC just throw her off some cliff? Please, sir!

    2023-06-07 06:32:28
  • Demi Lova


    Nice book,the synopsis and first chapter got me hooked

    2023-05-31 19:20:42
  • NotYourConcern


    Ungrateful Kate, love the way author has crafted characters with insight. I felt sympathetic for Aiden for not finding true love. However, please take Sharon as wife, she stood up as a wife for him. I hope she's the one for him in long run. Bring Kate on streets please!

    2023-05-18 04:10:09
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186 chapters
“Divorce?” Aidan said with shock and lowered his gaze to the old woman sitting before him.“ Are you kidding me?” Mrs. Emily comfortably sat with an arrogant face. Judging from her looks, one can easily tell that she is a wicked woman.She was the mother-in-law of Aidan, and she was seeking a divorce for her beloved daughter, Kate.“You heard well,” she smirked.“ Poor bastard with no plans for the future.” she cursed with gritted teeth.Aidan was speechless to see this woman raining insults on him after what he had done for her family.What suddenly came over her? Is this a prank to see his reaction? Or is she drunk this morning? Which one? Aidan was lost in thoughts as he stiffened in one place as he gaze at his mother-in-law. “Do you think I'm joking? Huh?” She began.“ My daughter is presently a CEO. And her company is among the big companies here in Nasa city.” she exclaimed and rolled her eyes.He was more confused to see the seriousness in Mrs. Emily's words. At first, he though
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Immediately, Kate took off the ring on her finger. She took out a check paper that was already inside her back pocket and threw it with the ring to Aidan's face.This made him burn in anger as if he should punch her in the face, but it was unlawful to beat a woman.But if it was a man who made him angry like this, he would have ended up in the hospital.Aidan held his fist tightly, his mind changed times, and finally, he sighed and made a wry smile. He picked up the check-up, agreed to divorce, and left the villa. “Bravo!” Mrs. Emily jested as she clapped mockingly, but she was furious at the check Aidan had received from her daughter.Without uttering a word, Aidan maintained a smiling face and turned around to leave. He suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned around and gazed at Kate and then at her mother.He giggled and shrugged before he continued to the door. Aidan wished this could just turn into a dream, but reality had taken over.“Kate,” Mrs. Emily called out and stood up
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Trekking down the expressway, Aidan wasn't aware that Felix called and reported him to Kate.A call suddenly interrupted Aidan from thinking about his miserable life. He stood by the roadside and brought out his phone and picked up the call. The caller happened to be a man, who was one of Aidan's company managers. Aidan addressed the man as “president D”, but his name was Donald.The man also respected Aidan, and he addresses him as “young master”.“Young master,” Mr. Donald called out.“Good day.” he greeted.“Good day, president D. How have you been doing?” Aidan's voice echoed on the phone.“I'm fine, young master,” he responded, and Aidan nodded as though Mr. Donald was seeing his reaction.“How may I help you?” Aidan finally asked.Mr. Donald explained,“ Young master, I wanted to ask if the contract should be sent to the KW company.” On hearing the company's name, Aidan went silent for a few minutes as he hesitated if he should send this contract to this company or not.The KW co
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In the evening, they arrived at the party after a long ride, however, at the gate of the party place, Aidan met his ex-wife, and also another young man with her.Immediately Kate set eyes on Aidan, she frowned and began wondering what he had come to do there. He should realize that such places are not for people like him.Maybe, he still thinks they are still married, which gave him the guts to come there. He should wake up from his sleep.He should realize that they are not on the same level. She isn't the Kate he knew before, she's now a changed person, and he should know that.Again, Kate was angry because Aidan attacked her younger brother for no reason. Or maybe he was angry at her, which made him do that.Kate couldn't tell what was going on with Aidan. They just got divorced, and he is already harming her family members. He shouldn't try that nonsense! Aidan smiled to himself after seeing the smirk on Kate's face when their eyes met. He knew she was unsettled and shocked to s
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At the party, Kate was a bit excited because she was a big fan of the girl who owns the Charles' family company. The shocking thing was that Kate wasn't aware that she had met this girl at the gate. She sat as she patiently waited for the arrival of the girl, so she could meet her in person.This was the first time she was going to partner with this big company, and she felt like a dream come true. It will be a great pleasure to partner with them and earn more revenue for her company.As she sat with Antonio by her side, her phone began ringing, and she quickly unzipped her purse and took out the phone.A smile curved her pink lips after setting eyes on the caller ID. She stood up to go outside, so she could pick up the call.The reason was that the blaring of the sound from the party wouldn't allow her to hear what the caller would say, and it was an important call she wouldn't want to ignore.“ Hey, where are you going?” Antonio held her hand from behind, and she abruptly stopped.
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6 Sympathy
Everything was lost within a day. Everything… She divorced her husband, and got a last contract from the Fredericks' company; now her name wasn't found in the Charles' family business partners. What a sad day!Kate's body went cold as tears trickled down her cheeks. Everything on her became heavy to carry.Antonio, on the other hand, was short of words, there was nothing he could do to comfort her now. This was her last hope, and it slipped off her hand.“ Take me home,” her low voice echoed in Antonio's ears as she felt on his body, looking lifeless.“ Be strong, and take it as part of life, babe,” he encouraged her, but words of encouragement weren't her problem at that moment.“ I said take me home!” she shouted at Antonio, and he winced inside as if she wanted to punch him.“ I will do just that,” he assured her and placed his left hand around her waist, and took her right hand and placed it across his neck. He began walking her to the exit. She was so weak that she found it hard
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7 Home At Last
As Sharon drove Aidan home, she could feel how he was filled with anger. There was no trace of happiness on his face.Sharon was scared to talk to him, so he wouldn't get angrier because he didn't look like someone who would reply to her amid this critical situation. He looks hurt, heartbroken, and betrayed. One doesn't need to ask about that because it was written all over his face.Sharon couldn't help but stare at Aidan, who has been staring at a ring he placed on his palms.This tells Sharon that the divorce took place that very day. No doubt about that.Seeing him in this mood, Sharon thought music would at least help, so she decided to play music as she drove, but he didn't seem to move by the music.However, he didn't hesitate to give her directions to his house. That was the number one important thing he must do so he could get home. Take left, take right; make a U-turn, and so on. She needed it to locate his house, or else, they would get lost because she didn't know his hou
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8 Ungrateful Family
It was evening. Aidan, his mother, and his younger sister were sitting in the mansion garden. Aidan's mother, Mrs. Frederick had called Aidan to hear what happened in the past three years of him being away from home. “ Aidan,” Mrs. Frederick called out as she rested her hand on the table before them.“ What exactly happened? Because if I can recall, you told me you are married, but the lady you came with had left. So what are you saying?” she inquired.“ Hmm,” Aidan sighed as he tried hard not to remember what Kate and her family had done to him.“ Big bro,” Catherine called for his attention and asked.“ Where is your wife and who is she?” Aidan chuckled and responded.“ Her name is Kate, a poor man's daughter who lost her father a few years ago because of kidney cancer, as I once told you before I left. I came in contact with her when I went for a walk outside the estate.” he began explaining how he met her. “ I met this young lady bitterly weeping by the roadside, and I felt sorry
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9 Get out of my office!
It was another beautiful morning and the day Mr. Donald had asked Kate to come over to the Frederick's family Company headquarters.She had been eagerly waiting for this day, and it was like it was delayed. Her business can't just die like that. No! Kate took a quick shower and slid into her black suit and her black flat-footed shoes. She wanted to dress smart and look beautiful. Who knows, if this boss might fall in love with her?She grabbed her purse, phone, and car key and ran downstairs.“ Sis, isn't it too early for you to go to the company?” Felix asked as he ate his breakfast at the dining table.“ Late?” she mouthed.“ It's thirty minutes past seven O'Clock,” she responded.“ Alright, you are good to go, then,” said Felix." By the way, good luck,” he added.“ Thank you,” she appreciated.“ please inform Mom that I have gone if she comes out.”“ Okay,” Felix nodded and concentrated on the food before him.Within minutes, Kate was already on the expressway. She was driving as tho
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10 He isn't who you think he is
“ Don't dare, Kate.” Aidan warned.“ Get out of my office." He commanded the last time before pushing her out of his office and locking it inside.Kate dragged her legs to the elevator as tears trickled down her cheeks. What has she done to herself? If she had known.She pressed the elevator button and the door opened and she stepped in. Kate shut her eyes and took a deep breath before breathing out. After a few minutes, she arrived at the down floor. She sniffed and used the back of her hand and cleaned her tears so that no one would notice it.She walked past Lily, the receptionist, without telling her goodbye. However, Lily called, but she never responded.Before the security at the exit could open the door, she forcefully pushed it and walked out. She was furious that she wished no one would dare talk to her that day. Immediately she got to where she parked her car, she brought out the car key from her purse and inserted it in the door lock.As she was about to open the door, a h
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