
Ulric's Point Of View



"Maya Clark?"

"Maya Clark!"

"Mas!!!" Kunl yelled, surpassing our voices.

"We could have just pass the bush instead of here, we don't know what we might face here! What if those shadow creatures reside here? You see how one of them stood before the stream the other time," Milicent emphasized.

"Then you shouldn't have come in anyway," Mia yelled but she was facing the other direction. What is she playing?

"Are you talking to me?" Milicent called out to her, getting upset.

"Miss, can you just shut your trap and focus on the damned mission?" Mia questioned still looking at the other side.

"You are obviously not talking to me," Milicent said.

"Who is the rat making noise?" Mia questioned before turning to look at her.

"What?" Asked Millicent. These two shouldn't have been chosen in anywhere, Mia should have been left behind but everyone was visible trying to avoid being called out by Saya. If Milicent had stayed back, obviously Amy will chop her head off or maybe not, everyone is just paranoid based on the way she was looking, except her sister which she didn't even want to let go of.

Nobody wants to lose their love ones in this unknown jungle while doing avoidable journey of no possible return.

"... dipshit! You are just a freaking dipshit!" I heard Milicent said. So they were still talking? Wow!

"Can you guys, please keep it to yourself? Just keep quiet! We are trying to look for our friend here and your noise won't help," Kunl tried to restore some peace but Mia was obviously way out of it.

"Point of corrections bro, corrections! She is not 'our' friend, please personalize it. Not 'our', maybe 'your', a Y with an our! Okay? And about our noise, our noise will definitely attract her if she isn't gone, we are loud enough to even wake the deaf," Mia interjected.

"And the monsters," Saya added.

"Oh please, Saya," Mia said waving her off.

"Oh please? Oh please! Yeah!" Saya said before walking away.

"I don't want to hear any snickering from you two," Saya called from the front.

"Snickering? We aren't and we will never!" Mia yelled back at her.

"You guys will be great friends later in life," Kunl added before running off to join Saya.

"Are you also going to join them in their crazy act?" Mia asked me.

"Of course not! Do you but in a limited way, we aren't where we have all the freedom in the world," I told her.

"You are still the most sensible person remain after my sister and I, we don't even know if we are in the world anymore," Mia said proving risk takers can also be stupid.

"Says one of the most sensible people remaining," Milicent interjected, saying my thought out loud.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked sending Milicent off with her glares.

"What isn't it supposed to mean? Obviously we are still in the world, dude!" Milicent replied.

"Maybe you should go tell that to your brother!" Mia resorted to violence again.

I quickly get in-between them and took my hands through their shoulders and paste my palms over their mouth. It was a hug, keep it shut technique. A partial hug that tells you to keep up the work and a shut it that tells you to keep the work to yourselves.

"Let me go!" They both mumbled, walking was a struggle.

"Let me go, you bit…" Mia cussed as she bit into my palm.

"Ouch!" I cried out, that sting! It was pale red.

"I told you nicely but you didn't bug, so what was I supposed to do?" She said causally like nothing happened.


"Maya? Maya?" We heard from the front and bolted off to the voice.

"Did you see her?" I asked Kunl immediately we got to their side.

"Not ready but we heard some whimpers around this area," he explained. 

"Really?" Milicent questioned.

"Lik…" I immediately slap my palm over her mouth lightly.

"Don't!" I said to her but she only rolled her eyes at me before flung my hand away. 

"We think she is in this area," Kunl said.

"Maya!" Milicent yelled out immediately, walking around the said area.


"Clark Maya!" Everyone joined in shouting her name, moving around except Mia who just stood look at the bushes and water around, we were pass the stream a little bit but you can still hear it gushing behind.

"Mia!" I called tapping her lightly, "get to work! You have the loudest voice among us," I said to her.

"Because I swallowed a big speaker?" She said instead of question, sarcastically.

But she still listened to me and moved further before stopping suddenly again.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"I am processing something," she answered after glaring at me for some minutes.

"Processing what?" 

"Maya!" She started off strong, startling us. "if you are here and you don't respond, loud, we are going to leave your god damned self to rot wherever you are so you had better answer now and you have five seconds!" She added yelled, everyone was quiet now! There was a deep pitch of silence.

"Maya!" She yelled again, louder than before.


"Two!" There were faint movement from everywhere. It should be them!

"Three, Maya, three!"

"Four, baby girl, four! And the last one is going to be the last one and we will all assumed you are gone!" She said, everyone was to stunned to speak. What was she saying? But the look she was holding told us she meant business.


"M… mi… Mia!" Someone whimpered and Kunl and I ran to the direction. There she was!

"A rope and knife is needed!" I yelled at the girls.

"Be careful!" I told Kunl. She was surrounded by rope holders, and those bastards will choke the hell out of you if you don't act fast. Saya threw what we wanted, I threw the other end back to her and with the help of Kunl, fasten the other end to Maya's hands. We used the knife to cut through some rope holders to pave way for a smooth pulling.

"Pull!" I yelled and everyone started pulling. It wasn't easy, it was a struggle.

"Pull! Harder!" 

"Harder guys!"

"We are trying!" Saya cried out!

"Keep trying harder!" Kunl called out.

And after what felt like an impossible task, she bugged and we pulled the her smoothly out of the motherfuckers grip.

"Oh my goodness!" Saya said, panting heavily as we all laid on our back, catching our breath.

"We can't stay here for long, we have to go back," Saya announced, sitting up immediately before passing a bottle of water to a obvious dehydrated Maya, which she gulped fast.

"Go where?" She asked after have her water tank filled.

"To the rest of the guys," Saya said to her.

"Really?" She asked, confusing everyone.

"Really what?" Mia asked, visible irritated by Maya's words. We all stood up.

"We are losing time, can you see? We have to find the door and get the sheet out of here!" She explained! Unbelievable!

"You unsatisfied bastard!" Mia yelled before landing her a punch to the face.

"Mia!" We all yelled for her to stop as Saya and Milicent pulled her back but she broke free from them within seconds. Maya ran to my back, to hide herself.

"This was why I was against us coming after this pathetic fool! She knows nothing but herself, she's no different from…" Mia said launching towards me to get her.

"Come on, Mia! Don't!" I said trying to calm.

"Haaaaaa!" She screamed angrily, punching and kicking the air.

"Those waiting for us are what? We should leave them and go for the door? Did you even listen to yourself?" Mia questioned, pacing around trying to calm herself.

"Not your fault!" She yelled before picking up her bag and stomping away.

"Mia!" I yelled after her. "What you said was uncalled for!" I told Maya before picking my bag and running after Mia. One after the other they started coming while Maya just stood where she was looking at us.

"Guys! Maya isn't coming," Milicent announced.

"Like I give a two if she does! She can go freak herself if she wants," Mia said not even looking back. I grabbed her to stop, she tried struggling with me but decided to not go through with it.

"Maya? What is it now?" Kunl yelled at her. There was quite some distance between us.

"I can't go with my shoe, it's precious to me!" She shouted back! I looked at her feet and she was only wearing one shoe, the other might have gotten loose while pulling her.

"Like seriously?" Mia yelled, turning to her to face her. "Are you more concerned about your shoe or your life? If you choose the former then you can go find your 'precious little pumpkin' where you left it!" She added. "Are you a fool?" She couldn't resist not asking.

"It's precious so I have to look for it, you don't know the context behind the shoes so don't say sheet there," Maya yelled back.

"You definitely are a fool aren't you?" She asked again. 

"Maya, please! Just leave the shoe behind and let go! Those creatures might be around, lurking behind us waiting for the perfect time," Saya pleaded with her.

"Maya, please!" Milicent seconded her.

"Like seriously, guys?" Mia commented, I touched her lightly to stop.

"Come on, Maya! We can always get another pair of shoes and the context will be greater," Kunl also pleaded.

"Maya! We are running out of time, like you said if we don't get to the rest on time, getting to the door will be late, you know that right?" I explained to her too but she wasn't bugging, I tapped Mia lightly.

"What?" She responded harshly.

"Say something nice to her," I said to her but the look she responded with wasn't nice.

There was few minutes of staring in silence between the girls as they communicated with their eyes. And the next minute, Mia was looking around then suddenly bolted towards Maya, surprising everyone.

"Maya! Duck! Fall flat!" We heard her scream painfully but Maya wasn't there again.

"Haaaaaa!" She groaned aloud.


The whole wood trembling and even the birds and flying creatures felt it because some missed their way and hit the trees, some fell to the ground like they were hit or slapped and some seems to be dizzy in the air.

"Mia!" I called for her where she knelt down and pulled her and the race started.

"Don't blame yourself!" I warned her as we continued running.

"Mia! You killed me!" Maya's voice was heard with snickering.

"Haha!" The whole wood echoed, there were falling debris from the sky.

"Don't let any touch you! Dodge as many as possible!" Saya yelled from the front, leading us as we ran, forming the letter s in our movement. Moving from right, center, left and back or vice versa.

"Faster guys, faster!" Kunl urged us.

"Mia! Haha! You are dead! You are dead when we meet again! Haha!" Maya's voice said with chills, sending shiver down our spine.

"Don't listen to such voice, it is Maya's but one of the creatures impersonating her, don't let it get to you," I warned her as I gripped her wrist harder.

"Mia! Don't you think Amy looks too worried?" The voice came again.

"Oh sheet!" I cussed.

"Shut the f^çk up, you prick!" Milicent yelled and there was perfect silence.

"Wow, really? These creatures truly deserve cussing and it seems to be working on them," Kunl said excitedly. 

"I think Amy heard all those noise," Mia commented, finally getting herself.

"I guess so!" I replied and there they were waiting and hitting under an umbrella tree. It does look like one.

"Here, guys!" Brian called out to us and we all zoomed off there.

"How was it?" 

"We heard Maya's voice! What happened? Where is she?" Amy asked, curious.

"Haha! He!"


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