Chapter 49

As the years passed, the magical world continued to thrive under the leadership of Headmistress Lin and her team of dedicated professors. The students who had trained under her guidance went on to become powerful wizards and witches in their own right, bringing about a new era of magic and prosperity.

Meanwhile, outside the walls of the academy, the forces of darkness continued to gather, their eyes fixed on the power and knowledge contained within the school's ancient halls. They knew that to control the magic of the future, they needed to first conquer its guardians of the present.

As rumors of a dark uprising began to spread, Headmistress Lin and her team of professors stepped up their efforts to protect the school and its students. They trained the young witches and wizards in new spells and techniques, preparing them for the battles to come.

One day, as the school was preparing for a grand tournament to showcase its brightest talents, a group of dark wizards appeared on the horiz
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