Memories Begin To Open

"Ki Seto... is it true that Clara is Ki Seto's daughter?" asked Jajang who was also curious about the incident in front of him.

Ki Seto seemed silent when he heard Jajang's question.


Suddenly the queen took this opportunity to attack Ki Seto.

"Ki Seto! Watch out!" shouted Jajang who saw the cunning of this white tiger demon.


Ki Seto quickly launched the same beam attack which resulted in an explosion due to the impact of this beam.

"You are so cunning, white tiger demon!" said Ki Seto who immediately attacked again.


"Hihihihi.... your attacks are meaningless to me, Seto!" said Nyai Ratu who easily avoided Ki Seto's attack.

"Jajang... you take Clara out of this Ritual Forest as soon as possible!" ordered Ki Seto who was holding back Nyai Ratu's attack.

"I don't want to leave before you answer my question, Ki Seto! Are you my father?" Clara asked.

Ki Seto did not answer Clara's question and dashed forward to face the queen.

"Don't... take Clara
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