Chapter • 149

♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Azrael ⋅• ♱

The child began to be able to move gradually, in a way that was still a little time consuming and different from his usual, from the child who ran around and insisted so much to have his little body in that garden.

His speech had returned too, his voice was less guttural, more understandable and a smile that was not painful could be seen, one that was not put on that face just because of the melancholy of Callisto.

"Look! You can move your arms better now" the quartz eyes were flickering as you said that as something equivalent to Loren’s first steps, as if that was some kind of novelty that should be celebrated with various gifts and a party "how is your breathing? Something still burns?" tried to caress that small face as if it was something that would break by any slip on his part.

Loren was now like a valuable piece of porcelain, one that could not risk being damaged after being restored.

"I’m fine, Dad..." the child’s voice was still low when to
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