Sacrifice for Summoning

"Aaargh, ruuun, run for your lives"

The superior screamed in seeing the eyes of the four guards who were still busy pacing.

Just when the guards who were still in their senses decided to run, another four guards who look exactly like the ones that are busy pacing appeared before them and started pacing, blocking their way if they escaped. The new four guards look exactly like the first four guards, they share their complexion, face, gender and even clothes and guns. The worst part is they have the same dark purple colored eyes, they look like they are possessed.

The three guards and the superior were now shaking uncontrollably, there were four possessed guards before them and another four behind them. When they thought it was all over, that they could escape since their left and right side were uncovered, four more possessed guards appeared at their left side and another four at their right.

The three guards and one superior were now surrounded by twelve possessed guards. The posse
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