Chapter 80 - Cheating on Mr. Heron

Enebrati's - [P.O.V]

"I will find a way!" I said to him.

"Have this at least... When you are ready... You can sign the document and all will be fine." He says as he tosses a document over to me.

I held the document tightly as tears rushed out from my eyes, this bastard was not going to help me without selfishly gaining back from it.

I entered my car and I screamed heavily.

I picked my phone and called my mother's assistant.

"Arrange a meeting with all board members, and tell the news channels that I... Enebrati Spoisen is ready to give a speech." I said to her and she confirmed.

Soon after I had reached my father's company, I entered into the business group hall where top companies all had their representatives in, talking about development and what not.

As soon as I reached.

Silence filled the entire room.

"Good day ladies and gentlemen, Due to the current situation my family and our business
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