7| The Red Coat Suspect

The sound of an emergency alarm and a police car siren blared simultaneously, making Eryk's head feel like it was going to explode. Suddenly he forgot how to get out of there because he panicked and was confused.

Eryk's hands and clothes were covered in his uncle's blood. He ran towards the door, but some people with galloping footsteps came closer. Erick backed away in fright. He looked the other way and saw a white curtain swinging like a pale ghost. Eryk pushed aside the curtains and found the door leading to the balcony slightly ajar.

Eryk opened the sliding glass door wider. The wind immediately hit his body. He heard a noise from the balcony. When he stepped outside, Eryk caught someone just jumping from there.

"Who is that?" thought Eric.

Just as he was preparing to jump from the second floor and hunt down the person who had just escaped, he heard the door to his uncle's study open with a bang. Several bodyguards were standing there with guns and radios in their hands. Eryk cou
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