Chapter 99 What's your type part 3
Lieg, being stared at by her, got back on track as his tone shifted back to normal after clearing his throat.

"Ahem...The fire ashra body type is quite unique for an augmenter, it allows the person to completely coat the outside layer of the skin into an entire powerful elemental base magic similar to how the chief is able to completely turn himself in to metal, while she may be able to enchant a few jewels it'll never be for her. I'm sure by now you would have noticed, but you saw her trying her best to grasp things that seem easy to you that's basically because you keep trying for the love of tradition but they'll never be able to even mirror half of what you can do".

Lady Misuki stared at him angered how she could not counter anything that he spoke so far, as she thought.

(How much does he know, but how could he)

As she thought of where he could have gotten this information, her eyes were slowly focusing on Mi Mi, who was sweating cold guilt.

(My stupid granddaughter, huh), as she
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