CII.II Ordered Pair
The heat of the armory stilled my shivering limbs as Anne pushed us further and deeper into the armory. The sounds of industry pounded in my ears as the fiery glow enveloped all that I could see. Vats of molten metal lined some parts of the walls, forges, and anvils becoming more visibly the closer we got to the main floor. Behind me, the maid took one intrepid step to the next, her nervous tension palpable even to me as we finally reached the general area where most of the work was being done.

To my surprise, the Dens that Tesla rescued were all busy creating weapons for our rebellion. From swords to armor to some random sheets of metal that looked like it went nowhere, the commotion and hubbub that were all happening made it all look all professional. In a sense, it actually felt like this entire place was being used to fuel an industrial-level conflict in terms of sheer output. Although...


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