The Library Of Souls


I never the library to be this big, but what did I expect when it is owned by a god. It was divide into sections and arranged in rows and columns.

I was amazed at the monstrosity of the library, I walked over to one of the shelf and touched, more like caressed the spine of one of the books on it.

"Do you like it, my lady?" Gem asked with a little smile in my direction. She always had that little smile thing going on.

"Why yes. I totally love it." I screamed in excitement and almost twirled. I heard shuffling of feet coming toward our direction. My little charade must have alerted them to the presence of other people in the library.

"Who is there?" an old croaky male voice called out. I exchanged glances with Gem, that person had to be very old. His voice had that droopy feel to it.

"It's me Gem." Gem called out. The shuffling feet was coming closer and then an old man came out from the side of one of the shelves. He was very old and had wrinkles all over his face. The most ou
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