Chapter 19

Chapter 19 The Lotus Curtain technique

After his victory over Cane Kong and his gang, Leon Vincent returned to the Shaolin temple, seeking to continue his training and improve his martial arts skills. However, his peace was once again interrupted as news reached him of a new enemy - the Lotus Curtain Sect.

The Lotus Curtain Sect was a group of highly skilled fighters who were known for their use of a unique martial arts technique called the Lotus Curtain. The technique allowed them to create an impenetrable barrier around themselves, protecting them from all external attacks.

Leon knew that he would have to use all of his skills and techniques to defeat the Lotus Curtain Sect. He knew that he had to be clever and use his wits to find a way to break through their barrier.

As he approached the Lotus Curtain Sect's hideout, he could feel his heart racing with anticipation. He knew that this would be a tough battle, but he was ready for it. He silently entered the hideout and found himsel
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