Capturing The Angel of Death

7 ratings

Capturing The Angel of Death

By: Mastermind OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 45 views: 883

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To the vast majority, the concept and understanding of death was not very welcoming. To them, death was the end of life, the power to destroy life and the end and destruction of all hope and happiness. To those who had given up on life, it was like the first rain of the year; A kind shower that ended the heat and suffering of their miserable life. But to the Quinn Family, death was none of these. Their understanding of death was a whole new definition, and wasn't something that the ordinary man would easily come to terms with. To the Quinn's death meant transcending to a whole new world, they didn't fear death like the rest did, rather they accepted it and sometimes called onto the Angel of death to heed to them. To the Quinn Family, transcending to a higher being was the purpose of living and this had driven the family into different acts that the society strictly abhorred. Everything concerning the Quinn's was termed evil to the extent that they word evil had been replaced by Quinn in their town

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  • Keneolisa Victor Emeh


    A very nice story, very interesting I love it

    2023-05-04 22:15:44
  • Cyndy


    wonderfully written unique storyline

    2023-04-25 09:00:45
  • HeeSha_TA


    A very detailed book with good character design and world-building...️ I recommend this book to all fantasy lovers... Read and send me many thanks later...

    2023-04-09 09:44:04
  • Mastermind


    Author here with a shameless five star review!! The book will be updated 3 to 5 times weekly, so always check back for more updates. You won't be disappointed trust me! Have a great read

    2023-02-28 19:47:15
  • Hashwalth


    The name is unique, and it got me attracted to the book. It's definitely a good read, highly recommended

    2023-05-04 05:01:14
  • Martins


    This book is wonderful, I love it

    2023-04-15 16:01:40
  • Keneolisa Victor Emeh


    wonderful story

    2023-05-04 22:13:15
Latest Chapter
45 chapters
The Quinns
To the vast majority, the concept and understanding of death was not very welcoming. To them, death was the end of life, the power to destroy life and the end and destruction of all hope and happiness. To those who had given up on life, it was like the first rain of the year; A kind shower that ended the heat and suffering of their miserable life. But to the Quinn Family, death was none of these. Their understanding of death was a whole new definition, and wasn't something that the ordinary man would easily come to terms with. To them death meant transcending to a whole new world, they didn't fear death like the rest did, rather they accepted it and sometimes called onto the Angel of death to heed to them. To the Quinn Family, transcending to a higher being was the purpose of living and this had driven the family into different acts that the society strictly abhorred. Everything concerning the Quinn's was termed evil to the extent that they word evil had been replaced by Quinn in the
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Tempest Farms
"Mister Pedro" Marcelo called back before reaching out for the man's outstretched hand. "They've done it again! All the vegetables dead!" Pedro explained immediately. There was no time to waste on formalities. The sooner that the demons here were exorcised, the better it would be for everybody. Marcelo heaved a sigh of both disappointment and guilt. The recent attack was definitely his fault. If only he had been here on time, he might have been able to save some of the man's plants. But it was too late now, they were all dead and it was his fault. As compensation for his tardiness, he halved the payment before proceeding to the area that this attack was most dominant. He surveyed the dead plants thoroughly, leaving no stone unturned as he made his assessment. He could definitely feel the aura of something unnatural, but it wasn't from the plants. Something was definitely killing these vegetables, but he could bet it wasn't a demon. He uprooted a dead vegetable and took a careful g
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Rebecca Eden
"Finally" Marcelo muttered to himself under a sigh of relief. This was his last appointment for the day and hopefully it would remain that way. He needed to rest so he could stay awake at night and work on something later at night. He had dropped Sebastian off where he worked as a part time receptionist before returning home. The boy's closing time was still three hours away, which meant he had three hours to rest before any disturbance. Once again, he returned to his room and took off his shirt and shoes. There was no time to waste on his pants, so he collapsed on the bed without taking care of those. He felt at peace for the moment, everything concerning him revolved around work and he barely got any time for himself. This was one of the few times he was actually free to do something, and he going to fully utilize this time. He had taken too much caffeine to stay awake at night, and more of those might damage his health. He finally closed his eyes and welcomed sleep. There was n
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Sebastian walked without halt along the almost empty streets. He had missed the last bus and the only way to get home now was walking. He could call Marcelo to come pick him up, but he knew better than to disturb his master for such trivial matters. Marcelo was always busy and was nobody's personal driver. His master had already done enough by bringing him back to his workplace, demanding for anything else would just seem disrespectful, especially when it came to unimportant issues such as this one. He paused for a moment and took in enough air to sustain his next hour walk. The distance between his workplace and home was quite the distance and covering it on foot was much more stressful than he had imagined. But he had started, and there was no turning back home. His mind and legs screamed for him to flag down a moving vehicle and beg for a lift, but he knew better than to yield to those persuasions. In Bornville, it was a suicidal attempt to enter a strangers vehicle, especially i
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Stranger II
"Where are you?" were the first words he heard the instant he answered the phone. His master's voice was colder than ever and he could almost feel the man's intense gaze upon him even though he wasn't present. He had no idea what the place he was at was called, but he still managed to give a proper description of the things he could manage to see. And from the replies he got, he was sure his master was familiar with the place. He felt relieved a little, but at the same time disappointed in himself. He had finally managed to get Marcelo worried, but he was kinda happy he did. His master rarely showed any emotions and sometimes it worried him. But this showed that the man still had a human heart in him, this showed that he still cared and it kinda warmed his heart. He stirred his thoughts away from his master and tried to focus on himself for the time being. For some weird reason, this Michael was still following him. And even though it felt odd, he couldn't deny the fact that having
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Warnings and Precautions
The night was still young, but that didn't slow down the brewing occultic activities that had already begun. More than half of the humans loitering the streets by this time were all occultic men and women who were out looking for potential prey. The real deal always begun during midnight or the very early hours of the morning. This is when they finally slaughter the preys that they have managed to get a hold on and offer their organs as sacrifice to Whatever it was they worshipped. Bornville reeked of evil and almost every morning, mutilated and mangled bodies showed up on the streets. This was something that was done in secrecy before, but because of the ever rising occultic activities, it had become normal to dump corpses on the streets and not get reprimanded despite leaving enough evidence. The Anti-Quinns couldn't do anything about these occultic activities, they weren't authorized to take any sort of action against them. Their only duty was to make sure that they sent any evil
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Capture the Grim Reaper
'Grim reaper? As in death?' Sebastian questioned himself mentally. What exactly was his master getting at. He wasn't planning on using Michael as a lab rat, was he? 'No, he couldn't. He wouldn't dare' He tried to convince himself. He knew this man was capable of things he wasn't yet aware of, but gambling on someone's life in a game he couldn't possibly win was just sheer ruthlessness. It was unthinkable."I don't understand Marcelo. You want to capture death?" Sebastian asked just for clarification. The sentence still sounded strange to him, and he would need to hear it one more time for it to really sink in. "You heard me Sebastian. I won't repeat myself" Marcelo replied with a flat tone. "You said the curse was supposed to last for three days right?" Marcelo inquired despite knowing the answers already. "Yes" Sebastian confirmed while nodding at the same time. "Which means that by midnight he would die" Marcelo deciphered. He had to make preparations if he really wanted this t
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A failed Attempt
"why did you agree to it?" Sebastian asked, his tone almost as cold and emotionless as Marcelo's. He was being dead serious now, and wanted Michael to see how serious he was. Michael couldn't find the right answer to give him. He knew Sebastian already knew the answer to his question, but he couldn't bring himself to say them to the boy. They had just met few hours ago but it felt like they've known each other for ages. He understood the boy was looking out for him, but if giving up his life could potentially save a whole lot of innocent others, then he would readily give up it without a second thought. His entire life had been one misfortune after another, and trouble seemed to follow him. He had lost his parents at the age of seven, and soon after that his younger brother. They were poor and had lived off of scraps for as long as he could remember. His father had committed suicide when he couldn't accept reality anymore, and his mother had disappeared the next day without a trace
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Sebastian couldn't bring himself to sleep at all. His mind kept wandering and it taunted him. He was scared, and at the same time trying to convince himself to trust in his master. He had never for once in his life seen his master fail to exorcise any spirit or demon, both higher and lesser one. There was no one who rivaled him when it came to exorcism. But yet his confidence and trust in the man this time around was zero no matter how hard he tried. This was death they were talking about. It wasn't any ordinary Demon or spirit, death was something way beyond human scope, and trying to capture sounded like something a five year old would suggest. He turned to his clock and watched the time as it slowly changed minute after minute. Midnight was just a stroke away, and once it struck two things would happen; Michael would die or Marcelo would capture death. Even though it sounded like a fairytale, he assumed it was possible since it was Marcelo who was attempting it. If it was any othe
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Francis drove carelessly through the dark roads without care of both himself or the night dwellers. Marcelo's assistant had just phoned him minutes ago saying that his master needed help, and he would do anything to help Marcelo including laying down his life. Marcelo had saved him from the curse of one of his deceased patients after he had failed a surgery, and since then he had followed in the man's footsteps offering him every help he could. He owed the man his life, and would easily lay it down for him.He was just about to call the man almost the same time that Sebastian called. Something weird had happened at the hospital and he guessed the only person that could explain such unnatural phenomenon was Marcelo. It was just for a minute, but it was completely odd and unusual. Hundreds of patients whom had been confirmed dead, had suddenly regained consiousness for just a minute, and those who had been considered lost at the moment had miraculously returned back to life. The long d
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