Hopper had left miss Stella's office angrily and was driving slowly to the mall to get Sasha the gift he had promised earlier, when his phone rang. He picked up the call and heard his mom yelling angrily on the phone.

" Hopper.... Where the hell are you ?!" Mrs pheona said on the phone angrily

" Am on my way to the mall, why ?"

" Get your crazy ass down to the house immediately "

" Why ? is anything the issue ? Can't it wait ? I wann quickly get something for sasha at the....."

" I don't give a fuck about your fucking wife, get home now !" She concluded and ended the call

" What the hell happened ? " He asked in shock as he lowered the phone down. Its been long his mom yelled at him. He didn't know why she was shouting but whatever it is, it seems to be really important. He quickly pulled over and drove straight home without wasting a single second. He drove at 140 without minding his speed limits.

He arrived home after some minutes only to see the whole family gathered in the sitting
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