Zerg Queen

One Month Later.

Somewhere in space.

A spaceship stopped and a few humans came out of the spaceship.

In front of them were huge armies of zergs. But unlike other zergling that Ace faced with the girls, the whole space was filled with Mutant Zergling, mutant Guards, and Mutant Senitels. They were densely crowded.

In the center of the space, there were many eggs placed. Some zergling was transporting them from one place to other. While there were also zergs that we transported monster cores, ores, and exotic fruits. It was all placed in front of the zerg queen.

The body of the zerg queen was too big. It was 20,000 meters long. The body was very thick and she seems to be sucking a huge amount of resources and then after a few minutes, she was producing eggs. At one time she laid almost 100000 eggs.

The scene was too shocking.

" Ace be careful. You have reached the core region. The zergs here all have dangerous levels of 200 and above. The highest zerg is zerg queen. She had already reac
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