243. end

The poor man's Revenge 243

Abimana immediately left him, he didn't care anymore, whether Devano would release them all, his goal had been accomplished and indeed he had no intention of keeping them locked up any longer, his goal was to make them see that he was now the owner of what previously was theirs.

Immediately he left and visited the company, feeling happy, because finally, his goal was achieved, he also called Ayla and enjoyed all the wealth, not long after, Fera came, she immediately went berserk in that place, she was angry at Abimana and Ayla's betrayal, they work together, but why is she the only one who doesn't know that they have planned something big, even involving Devano, the man she loves, she will not accept.

“You bastards, give back what you took from him, you damn bastards. You don't deserve all this.”

“Ohh, don't get angry like this, Fera you know, we won't throw you away, enjoy all of this, and work for me, leave Devano and then head towards me, then I'll t
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