242. sibling

The poor man's Revenge 242

Ayla is confused, how can she have to fight against her heart, she really can't see that request, but her hatred can't be erased from her heart, so compared to her, she regrets it again, then she will continue all her grudges, she does not stop what she has started now?

She was finally speechless.

"I don't know why you could think all of that was because of my fault, believe me; ha and you know, it's not all because of me, the one who did everything to you was Abimana, the one who did, and abused you was him, not me. And the reason for your parents' death, that's also not because of me, but it's because of themselves who didn't even think about your feelings when they left you, they were too selfish, just like my parents who also left me at the lowest point of our lives.

I just want to make you feel that even when you are abandoned at the lowest point, it hurts a lot, then you already feel it. I held a grudge against you, but since then, I've lost ever
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