Chapter 160

Inside the black portal, Riko tried more and more to get out, but the result was the same. She didn't get anything, she felt more and more confined and even more claustrophobic.

Only her screams were so audible, without being able to be heard by others. He was very worried at this time, if he lingered in this place for too long, it was certain that he would just disappear. The next thing she feared was her uncle.

Riko was afraid that King Morwen would be attacked by the enemy if she was not there. They might even eliminate the king so easily.

"Who has done this, why doesn't he show his form. Who did he really want to kill?" Riko muttered.

Riko again moved her body to get out of that place, but she could not do it well. Her powerful screams turned out to be in vain, because no one would be able to help her here except the person who made this trap himself.

"I'm going to eliminate whoever dared to do all this, even trapping me like this," Riko's anger was already showing now.

Riko was s
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