Chapter 159

King Morwen looked sharply at Draco, who was currently laughing at himself as he lay weakly on the ground. All the soldiers had been eliminated with one attack.

What happened this time was completely unexpected, he did not expect Draco to reappear when Riko was not with him. It was as if all this had been his plan. More precisely he had planned long ago for this.

"Draco, enough of this, don't you think that you are the one who doesn't realize what you've done, you've been punishing the people around you all this time. Even though they were meant to bring you to your senses."

King Draco shook his head and he looked at King Morwen so sarcastically. "You never intended to make me realize, you only thought of benefits for yourself. Now say what you have to say, because I will hear it before I kill you."

It was clear that Draco wasn't messing around with that. It was as if the biggest goal in his life right now was to eliminate the Morwen king without any mercy.

"You know, none of this is
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