157. Men In Black And A Limousine

Chapter One Hundred And Fifty Seven

Vincent awoke to the soft glow of dawn, the residue of the dream still lingering in the recesses of his mind. The room, bathed in the early morning light, felt both familiar and otherworldly. He sat up, the sheets cascading around him like a curtain unveiling the ordinary yet enigmatic stage of his existence.

As he dressed for the day, the dream's surreal narrative played like a silent film in the background of his thoughts. The incongruity of quintillions dollars and opulence juxtaposed against the mundane routine of dressing for school left him grappling with the complexities of his own psyche.

Vincent fastened the buttons of his shirt with a deliberateness that belied the tumult within. The dream, though vivid, seemed to slip through his fingers like sand, leaving only fragments of uncertainty in its wake.

Descending the staircase, he entered the kitchen, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the anticipation of the day ahead. Th
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