The Quintillion Superstar System

9 ratings

The Quintillion Superstar System

By: Teddy CompletedSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 160 views: 22.6K

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Vincent Hugo is a very talented and hard working young man ,he comes from a very poor home and is on a scholarship in an Ivy League University. His classmates bully and call him names like a stinking janitor slave. Vincent caught his girlfriend cheating on him with a rich celebrity who tried to kill him by beating him bloody and pushing him to the deep sea. But Vincent didn’t die , instead he unlocked a Quintillion Dollars Superstar System which will make him extremely rich and famous as long as he obeys the rules. Read to find out if the extreme wealth will help Vincent build an empire or turn him into an unstoppable monster.

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  • Good reader


    Good read, love this author

    2023-10-17 01:23:44
  • Kevin


    It’s starting off as a really good book. Not a lot of repetition. It is a little heavy in the description don’t need to go so heavy into it you’re going to lose readers. Anxiously awaiting chapters

    2023-06-29 06:11:15
  • shoto



    2024-09-28 19:13:24
  • Almuawal muhammad


    l don't understand this book at all

    2024-04-25 19:31:37
  • Teddy


    Hi Kevin, thank you so much for your honest review . I will work it and I’m so glad that you’re enjoying this book, stick around because it’s going to be a daily update.

    2023-06-29 06:14:29
  • June Valencia


    Hope that you may change the style of simple and direct to the point kind of story. Lots of non scenes kind of running around the bush kind of chapters. Readers might just skip it. tho i find this story as kind of interesting.

    2024-02-01 11:59:44
  • Kave Man


    Could use better description for the setting as well as what’s happening. Confuses the reader about where things are taking place and how they unfold.

    2024-01-22 03:23:46
  • kyle


    Too much detail about outfits and how people are moving and not enough detail about what is going on, jumps all over the place. Hard to follow. Lost interest

    2023-10-03 02:51:21
  • Kave Man


    Don’t do it. After reading more of this book I’m disappointed in the money wasted in seeing if it gets better, it doesn’t. It gets worst the more you dive into it. I mean the jumpin around is ridiculous

    2024-01-22 09:53:49
Latest Chapter
160 chapters
1. My Evil Girlfriend
Chapter One “Mmmm….Ahhh…Mmmoooaaaannn.” “What’s that noise and where is it coming from ?” Vincent wondered when he kept hearing the loud and piercing moaning sounds of a man and a woman. Vincent Hugo is a young and vibrant man who wanted to surprise his girlfriend Nina on her birthday,she has been his girlfriend right from high school. Vincent doesn’t have anything to offer her as a birthday gift because of how broke he is he decided to give her his family heirloom which is a metallic black bracelet with a dragon design on it which looks basic and cheap but it means a lot to him and he hoped that Nina will cherish it. . Vincent knows that Nina loves to sing and she is talented with an angelic voice , she is always in the music studio composing and singing songs in the hopes that she will become famous someday so she spends most of her time in the music studio. It’s getting too dark in the night and Vincent gave Nina 38 missed calls and she didn’t pick, so he decided to go to the
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2. The Miserable Poor Guy
Chapter Two“Nina, do you know who you’re speaking with?” Vincent asked shocked that his sweet Nina will ever say something like this to him. “Vincent, this man is a music producer and he promised to sample and promote my work . Why are you destroying my chance of getting famous ?!” Nina cried, feeling angry and mad at Vincent for interrupting her. “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself,why will you even think of cheating on me with this old guy huh?! Don’t you know that you can still become famous by working hard? He is only using you” Vincent said to Nina , not believing how dumb she sounds right now. “At Least he is going to help me out,what have you ever done for me in your entire life Huh? Apart from being poor and having stupid dreams and hopes of attending the Ivy league school that you can never attend even in your wildest dreams!” Nina said harshly while trying to out on her clothes because she is half naked “Yes, didn’t you hear her, you filthy poor rat . Here is some couples o
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3. The Terrible Accident
Chapter ThreeThe rain poured heavily from the darkened sky, casting a somber atmosphere upon the streets below. Amidst the gray mist, the young man named Vincent hurried along, his footsteps echoing on the wet pavement. Clutching his cheap and worn out shirt tightly around his body, he struggled to shield himself from the relentless downpour.As Vincent trudged through the rain-soaked streets, his attention was drawn to the distant sound of screeching tires and a resounding crash. His heart pounded in his chest as his curiosity propelled him toward the source of the commotion. Ignoring the water cascading down his face, he quickened his pace.He rounded a corner and came to a halt, his eyes widening in horror at the terrible scene before him. A luxurious car, its once pristine exterior now mangled and crumpled, stood at an odd angle in the middle of the street. Nearby, a small figure lay motionless on the rain-soaked asphalt. It was a child, drenched and unmoving.Fear and disbelie
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4. Getting Kidnapped
Chapter Four “Shut up punk” one of the officers growled, his voice low and menacing. "We know what you saw, and we won't hesitate to use force if you speak a word about it because the man involved is the first son of the Governor of the state."Vincent 's mouth went dry, his voice trapped within him. The weight of their threats pressed down upon him, suffocating him further. The room seemed to close in around him, the walls closing in like a vise. He stumbled backward, his legs trembling beneath him, desperately searching for an escape route that seemed nonexistent.The policemen advanced, their presence commanding and overpowering. The gun, held firmly in their grip, seemed to grow larger, more menacing with each passing second. Vincent 's mind raced, desperately seeking a way out of this nightmare. But with each passing moment, his hopes dwindled, drowned out by the overwhelming fear that gripped him.“But it’s wrong ,he should lead by example and face the consequences of his act
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5. The Juicy Bribe
Chapter Five Vincent found himself caught in the whirlwind of an extraordinary and dangerous event. With his heart pounding against his chest, he glanced around nervously, his eyes darting from one side to another.As Vincent turned a corner, he noticed two colossal figures, dressed in impeccably tailored black suits, standing beside an expensive, black-tinted SUV. Their stern expressions and bulging muscles made their presence known. A sense of authority emanated from them, leaving no doubt in Vincent's mind that they were bodyguards.Curiosity sparked within him, and before he could think twice, Vincent found himself drawn closer to the enigmatic scene. From his vantage point, he could see that the SUV exuded an aura of power and luxury. Its gleaming black exterior reflected the city lights, blending seamlessly with the urban backdrop.Suddenly, as if by some unspoken cue, the two bodyguards turned their heads in Vincent 's direction. Their gaze pierced through him, locking o
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6. The Rich Kids
Chapter Six “Fine, I will do it.” Vincent said being selfish and signing the contract before the bodyguards pushed him out of the car. “Kingston University, here I come!” Vincent said shouting and getting all excited that after all the things that he has been through , he is finally going to attend his dream university which is great news to him besides it’s either he accepts it or these influential and deadly people will kill him. Vincent didn’t go to work at the construction site that day, he ran back home and completed all the information he needed to fill in the school portal. Vincent was so anxious and excited that he washed his best clothes , pressed them and slept early so that he would wake up early in the morning and start attending school which is on the other fancy and rich side of town. The first rays of dawn peeked through the gaps in the curtains, gently illuminating the room where the young man, Vincent , lay fast asleep. As the sunlight slowly caressed his face, h
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7. Wash The Stinky Toilets
Chapter SevenSeeing the extravagant vehicles only reminded him of the vast gap between his own circumstances and those of his classmates.As the day went on, Vincent couldn't help but feel like an outsider. The conversations around him revolved around luxury vacations, designer boutiques, and the latest gadgets. He listened quietly, unable to contribute to the discussions that seemed to define the social fabric of the university.His mind began to wander back to his shabby little house, where a simple meal on the table was a luxury, where every dollar counted. He recalled the nights he spent working odd jobs to save money for his education, sacrificing sleep and leisure. At that moment, he questioned whether his efforts had been in vain.Yet, amidst the turmoil in his mind, Vincent also felt a flicker of determination. He refused to let his financial shortcomings define him.He had earned his place in this university through hard work and intellect, and he wouldn't let material wea
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8. The Secret
Chapter Eight “Leave me alone ,I am not your slave and you have no right to bully me !” Vincent said while trying to stand up from the dirty floor of the toilet. “Look at this dude , do you know who we are ? How dare a nobody and trashy toilet cleaning slave talk to us like that !” One of the student shouted while kicking Vincent in his face with his legs till his lips cut and blood started coming out: In a dimly lit and decrepit bathroom tucked away in the corner of the university campus, a young man named Vincent found himself trapped in a nightmare. The stench of dampness and neglect filled the air as he timidly entered, hoping to find a moment of respite from the chaos that awaited him outside.Vincent’s heart was pounding with unease because he couldn’t believe that his coursemates, a group of affluent students known for their disdainful attitudes, had singled him out to bully and treat them badly when he did nothing to them . They had cornered him in this desolate restroom
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9. A Rich Superstar Celebrity
Chapter Nine 🎶🎶🎶🎶What doesn't kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm aloneWhat doesn't kill you makes a fighterFootsteps even lighterDoesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're goneWhat doesn't kill you makes you stronger, strongerJust me, myself, and IWhat doesn't kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 🎶🎶🎶🎶the sprawling corridors of the prestigious university, Vincent found himself engaged in an unusual activity. Dressed in his janitorial uniform, he swayed and twirled as he rhythmically mopped the dirty girl's toilet. With each stroke of the mop, his voice rose in a melodic hum, filling the confined space with unexpected joy.Vincent was a dreamer and a very talented singer and dancer ,an individual who saw beauty in the most mundane tasks. Even though he was treated like trash , he didn’t want it to get to him so he did what he loves doing the most in the entire world apart f
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10: Face Slap
Chapter Ten“Hahhahhahahhahhaa , a Quintillion dollars ? What kind of sick hallucination is this ?!” Vincent started laughing at himself thinking that what he just saw was just a silly dream or a broad daylight imagination so ignored the System’s Instruction .“I must be so broke that I am now imagining things , even the richest man on earth is just a billionaire. It’s never possible for some to own a Quintillion dollars. I better head out before I I get late “ Vincent said to himself before quickly entering a public train and he had to trek the remaining distance because no public taxi, Uber to Bolt, is allowed. It is an expensive and exclusive club so everyone going there is very rich , has expensive cars or power bikes with drivers. “You can’t come in, only exclusive members and staff allowed” The security guards told Vincent at the gate“I’m here for a part time work “ Vincent said “Obviously, you don’t look like a club member in those cheap thrift clothes and cheap deodorants
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