Rainard De Helton

In a quiet room, Rainard De Helton stood tall, his movements agile as he inserted bottles into the mysterious dimensional box. Beside him, Elzabhel watched with graceful eyes, implying a deep sense of gratitude.

"Where does the brave hero who saved me hail from?" Elzabhel whispered softly.

"With pleasure, I introduce myself as Rainard, my lady," Rainard replied politely.

"A noble name indeed, I am Elzabhel Von Olaf. Thank you, Rainard De Helton," Elzabhel responded, her hair swaying gently as she bowed her head softly.

"All I do is my duty, Elzabhel-sama," Rainard answered sincerely, his left hand waving in the air as a sign of deep respect.

However, Helena's presence disrupted the harmony of the moment. With quick steps, she approached Rainard, grasping his clothes roughly, forcing his face to turn towards her. Gerard was ready to draw his sword, but Rainard simply raised his hand calmly, halting his movement.

"What are you doing? How could Elzabhel-sama recover? Are you using dark magic?" Helena scolded.

"For the sake of truth, I do not dabble in dark arts. To heal her, I merely gave her my own elixir and lifted the curse tormenting her with my magical abilities..." Rainard explained calmly.

"It's true, Helena. Rainard did not lie. He healed me with his kindness and his skills," Elzabhel confirmed, a shy smile forming on her lips.

"Accusing me of being dishonorable, Helena, is a grave mistake. I only did my best for Elzabhel-sama's sake," Rainard defended, his eyes filled with determination and honesty.

The door burst open with a roar, Count Olaf entered the room hastily. His gaze immediately fell upon his daughter who now sat peacefully in her bed, a light of happiness returning to his eyes. With quick steps, he approached Elzabhel, embracing her tightly. Helena loosened her grip, and Rainard adjusted his clothes calmly. They bore witness to the emotional reunion between a father and his beloved daughter.

After a few moments, Count Olaf still held his daughter tightly, their tears merging in a loving embrace. Then, he turned to Rainard, regardless of his humble social status. With sincere gestures, he embraced Rainard, endless words of gratitude flowing from his lips. Rainard smiled, feeling relieved to have helped, though deep down, he held a hidden agenda close to his heart. Helena and Gerard could only watch, silent in profound astonishment.


Once again, Count Olaf expressed heartfelt gratitude to Rainard De Helton. In his eyes, Rainard's humility was truly captivating.

"You are truly committed to helping us. I have lost a wife, and losing my daughter would make me feel unable to endure," Count Olaf expressed with a voice filled with despair.

But within Rainard's heart, there was a deeper thought.

"Hm, the loss mentioned by Count Olaf is merely a shadow of the past eroded by time. He has gone through the grieving process, but then rose with newfound strength. Even found love again, forming a new family," Rainard pondered, inspired by his vivid memories of the eighth life.

Rainard replied humbly, bowing his head as a sign of respect. "I am just doing what I can, Count Olaf."

"But how can I repay your kindness?" Count Olaf asked, his face reflecting admiration for Rainard's loyalty.

"I only wish for the opportunity to study at the academy, though as a commoner it will be difficult for me to be accepted there," Rainard expressed, with a simple yet grand aspiration.

"Is that all you desire?" Count Olaf asked, slightly taken aback by Rainard's modest request.

"Yes, that's all. And if possible, I would like Gerard to be my schoolmate there," Rainard added firmly.

Count Olaf nodded, but still couldn't fully comprehend.

"Is that all you want? Don't you desire wealth, riches, or position?" he asked in astonishment.

"No, Count. I just want the opportunity to study at the academy," Rainard asserted, with unwavering determination.

Elzabhel, Count Olaf's daughter, chimed in.

"Father, consider it carefully. His request isn't too burdensome. Allow him to use our family name when registering," she pleaded.

"I agree with Elzabhel. And I also agree to adopt you as my son when you register at the academy," Count Olaf said, giving his final approval. However, he still felt puzzled.

"But are you sure? With your abilities, you could easily seek wealth and prestige. Why choose to go to school?" he asked, wanting to understand more deeply.

Rainard smiled softly.

"I am searching for someone whom I love dearly, and she is at the academy. For a commoner like me, the dream of being there feels as distant as the sky and earth," he explained sincerely, without a flaw in his words.

Gerard heard it and immediately turned his face away, diverting his blossoming smile as he struggled to hold back laughter. However, Count Olaf and Elzabhel accepted Rainard's excuse with trembling resolve, no longer hesitating, and instead determined to face those moments together. Count Olaf acknowledged Rainard as his child, a bond forged from unforeseen twists of fate, while Elzabhel reached out to him with unbreakable tenderness, bringing light as an elder sister would. In a magical twist, Rainard was immortalized with a new name, a thread of destiny that bound them: Rainard Von Olaf, the only one capable of penning a new tale from the fated history.

"But, one concern troubles our minds," Count Olaf spoke, his voice melodic.

"Um... is there something amiss, Count?" Rainard asked, seeking clarity in the darkness.

"Do you possess skill with a sword?" Count Olaf inquired, while his gaze caressed Rainard's face.

Rainard suddenly realized his incompleteness, a fifteen-year-old thrust into rigidity and a body that felt mismatched, especially in its protruding parts. Behind the walls of the grand palace, he spent his time writhing on the bed, experiencing the sweetness of sleep without ever touching the notion of honing sword skills, despite his father's stern warnings and reprimands. And that's why, amidst the dim lanterns, he was only dubbed as the lowly prince. Carefully, he conveyed his answer, "Not yet," his voice almost fading into the silence.

"You must acquire swordsmanship as this academic world is a domain for wizard knights. It will be a trial-filled wait for you without sword skills, even if your magical knowledge prospers," continued Count Olaf, his voice carrying waving rhythms.

"Your father is right, Rainard. It's best you embark on your journey by learning the sword two months before entering the academy gates," Elzabhel added, her smile glowing like a beacon in the night sky.

However, Rainard realized how difficult it was to face the battlefield with a sword, even after achieving an S rank as an adventurer in the fifth life and facing the ranks of knights in the Kingdom of Rellios in the sixth. He always found himself defeated in every duel against Princess Julia, a figure whose strength seemed adorned with eternal cheating. And behind his steps, lost in magic in the seventh life, as Count Olaf and Elzabhel had revealed, relying solely on magic would pose an unthinkable challenge at the campus.

Finally, amidst the dancing branches in the lush forest, Rainard decided to dedicate himself to the lesson for a full month, following in the footsteps of the unmatched adventure master in the fifth life, a figure who had carried his name across the cosmos: Serge. Count Olaf and Elzabhel agreed to his decision, but they pleaded with Helena to accompany Rainard in the darkness hidden among the trees, while Gerard remained vigilant behind the mansion walls to watch over him. Gerard accepted the task hastily, though Helena sensed his confusion upon seeing Rainard's body, ill-suited for the role of a knight. Yet, for the undeniable wishes of Count Olaf and Elzabhel, Helena eventually acquiesced to their request.

"Do not hesitate, Rainard-sama. By your side, I will stand guard over this new family," Gerard said, his warm smile echoing amidst the shadows.

"Thank you, Gerard-san. (turning to Count) Thank you, Count," Rainard said, his smile like morning dew dispersing the mist.

"Until when will you call me 'Count'? Just call me as Elzabhel does," Count Olaf said, his smile blooming amidst the enshrouding night.

"As you wish," Rainard replied, his voice trembling amidst the whispering wind.

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