The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning

258 ratings

The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning

By: Max Charming CompletedRomance

Language: English

Chapters: 1328 views: 268.9K

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Madelyn Jent died on her wedding anniversary. She had been married to Zach Jardin for eight years, compromising for the better part of her life. However, she ended up being kicked out of the house.After the painful divorce, Madelyn was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Despite her deteriorating health, she clung to life in the hospital, hoping that Zach would visit her one last time.As Valentine's Day arrived, heavy snow fell outside. Yet, Zach failed to make an appearance, leaving Madelyn with a deep sense of regret. "Zach Jardin... If I could start over, I would never fall in love with you again!"Miraculously, Madelyn found herself reborn to the time when she was eighteen. Fueled by the desire to avoid repeating the same mistakes, she made a solemn vow to distance herself from everything related to Zach.But fate seemed determined to test her resolve. Just as she sought to escape the shadows of her past, the same man, Zach, emerged with an intimidating aura, gradually approaching her step by step. His voice, reminiscent of a devil's melody, echoed through the hallway as he declared, "Madelyn, I'll take care of you for the rest of your life..."

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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning is the Romance novel by Max Charming telling the story of Madelyn Jent who gets kicked out of the house after the divorce and eventually dies tragically from terminal cancer. Before she dies, she says she'd never fall for Zach Jardin again if she could start over. But things change when she is reborn, making a resolve to avoid Zach even though he continues getting closer to her.


The novel currently has 561 chapters along with a 9.4 rating score and 75.8K views.


Read the novel to discover how things unfold.

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  • Michelle Wahid


    so many questions around, yet it migh be from this rebirth, Madelyn had the answers all of the questions which is hanging around her life. Written Madelyn and Zach together and happily ever after, though such a nonse, peace for the protagonist is the best way. rewritten love means ove for life.

    2023-11-26 19:36:32
  • Michelle Wahid


    If Ethan and Forrest really have to die like in the 1st life, so let it be. If Zach and Cecilia have to get together, so be it. but I ask that the end of Madelyn's life is not as tragic as her 1st life. please let her die in peace and away from violence causing by evil Zach Cecillia.

    2023-11-26 19:32:52
  • Michelle Wahid


    If it must comply with “applicable regulations”, then let it stay that way. Even though in the rebirth or soul transmigration novels, I found the story changed because it was emphasized that human fate was determined by the humans themselves.

    2023-11-26 19:26:45
  • Reyna


    I’m sorry but the author mind is really twisted, almost all the readers want to give up . Personally, I can’t keep up it’s either reincarnation or sexual assault or incest even. She will end up with Zach and later on they will end up not be half siblings. 555 chapters and still the same bullshit.

    2023-10-06 08:34:03
  • Amal


    Please don't drag this book too much further ... this book is so good, if it it too dragging, it will lost the focus point

    2023-09-26 06:09:34
  • Marie Catalan


    I just don't like this kind of story if is boring to read. I will find another story.

    2023-09-17 08:10:27
  • Reyna


    There is no progress at all ,she’s supposed to have a second chance ,why keep going in to circle with Zach ? Please , make this interesting,it’s kinda getting boring . Keep up with the good work

    2023-09-12 12:14:40
  • Annie


    Did the author bail? There hasn’t been any further updates. I find it odd the author doesn’t communicate with their audience. Very disappointed in investing so much $$$ and time into what’s turned out to be a huge flop!

    2024-03-03 09:00:33
  • Emily


    The author is a really big fan of sexual violence. 600 chapters in and the main character is still getting brutally raped with no hope of her story turning around. I even suspect that the author is going to make the main character end up with her abuser

    2023-10-10 21:46:36
  • Donna M Miller


    What is the point of a second chance book if no one's life truly changes.? In fact, from my point of view, Madelyn's life seems to have gotten even worse. And we don't even get a resolution of the main story.

    2024-05-12 22:35:00
  • Bianca Nascimento


    Please, at least give us an end

    2024-05-07 16:21:16
  • Dimitrii Van


    where are you author, please update story Madeline n Zach.. Don't stop in the middle of the road, without news...

    2024-04-21 18:43:45
  • Sia Sharma


    atleast complete Madelyn's story of not Mya and Blake

    2024-04-18 02:02:36
  • angla luz


    be sure to update the book. Give us an answer at least, don't leave us with this feeling of neglect. Please

    2024-04-09 07:45:41
  • Angla Luz


    If you have health problems, I wish you well.

    2024-04-06 09:25:08
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1328 chapters
Chapter 1
On February 14th, Valentine's Day, Madelyn Jent, a 31-year-old woman, lost her battle to cancer.Inside a room in SereneCare Hospital in Ventropolis, the air was filled with a strong scent of disinfectant.[Zach, the doctor inserted a painful dialysis needle in me today.][I'm on the verge of death. Could you spare a moment to visit me?][Please, Zach...]Madelyn weakly turned her head and glanced at the text messages on her phone. Despite sending multiple messages, she had received no response from Zach.IV drips were connected to her veins. Her face was pale, her eyes sunken, and her body emaciated. The cancer had ravaged her limbs, causing them to deteriorate. She was completely immobile, unable to perform even the simplest tasks unaided. The nurse assigned to care for her hadn't shown up for almost two weeks, citing that further treatment was unnecessary.Madelyn was sensitive to the pain, but in the advanced stage of her cancer, she had to suffer with it every day. The only thing
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Chapter 2
In the middle of the night, Madelyn jolted awake from a terrifying nightmare. She sat up abruptly, her forehead drenched in sweat. In an instant, a familiar scent of disinfectant invaded her nostrils, the one she detested above all.Madelyn paused for a brief moment, questioning herself, 'Am I not dead? Why am I still alive?'Just then, a click echoed, and the once-dark hospital room was light up. The lights were strong that made her hard to open her eyes.A man's icy voice sounded. "Did you have a nightmare?" He strode forward with long steps, approaching her bedside. His tall figure blocked the light, and his long shadow enveloped Madelyn."Z-Zach?" Madelyn looked up. As she caught a glimpse of the man's face, her eyes widened, and a look of terror washed over her. "Stay away!" she thought, 'Why am I back in the clutches of this devil?' Instinctively, she recoiled, trying to prevent him from approaching further.Madelyn's mind was in chaos. The sight of Zach filled her with over
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Chapter 3
Madelyn took a deep breath and smiled at Zach. "I'm sorry, Brother! I won't force you to be my boyfriend anymore. You're my brother, and I promise to remember that."She looked calm and showed no signs of displeasure.Zach faintly smirked as he thought to himself, ‘Is this her new trick?’He responded gently, "It's good that you understand. Get some rest and don't stay up too late. I'll come to pick you up tomorrow." With that, he reached out and gently patted her head, like an elder would.Madelyn nodded, holding back from pushing him away.As Zach turned away, the kindness in his eyes was replaced by coldness. He left the room, took a white handkerchief from his pocket, and wiped the hand that had touched Madelyn. Then he walked to the elevator and threw the handkerchief into the nearby trash bin. When the elevator doors opened, Zach stepped inside and pressed the button for the parking level.An Audi car with bright headlights was waiting for him. Inside, there was a sexy woma
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Chapter 4
After a long taxi ride, Madelyn finally arrived at the entrance of the Jent residence.As she stepped inside the house, Rosario Watson, the housemaid, greeted her. "Madelyn, why are you alone? Didn't Mr. Jardin come back with you?"Madelyn hugged Rosario, recalling how kind she had been to her in the past after her father's passing. In her previous life, Rosario was the only one who treated her like family, showing her care and compassion. However, certain circumstances led Rosario to work for the Jardin family, taking care of Zach and Cecilia."Rosario, I've missed you so much," said Madelyn."Oh... um, Madelyn, what's going on? Are you still not feeling well?" Rosario gently pushed Madelyn away and placed her hand on Madelyn's forehead. Rosario found no signs of fever on Madelyn. She had a strange feeling about Madelyn today, but she couldn't quite pinpoint it."It's nothing, I just felt like giving you a hug," Madelyn reassured her."Are you hungry? I've just finished prepar
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Chapter 5
After dinner, Madelyn headed to bed early, as she often did. Before drifting off, she had her usual cup of hot milk.Outside the mansion, a distant headlight cast a faint glow in the dark. Zach's Audi A6, a new car gifted by his company, was parked nearby.Stepping out of the car, Zach entered the living room and placed his keys on a nearby table. He looked around with keen eyes but couldn't find Madelyn. She used to sit on the sofa, engrossed in soap operas. Now, the space was empty, and the coffee table had no snacks as usual.His eyes dimmed a little. Rosario came from the kitchen and asked, "Mr. Jardin, have you had dinner?"Zach asked, "Where's Madelyn?""She's not feeling well, so she went to bed early.""I'll go check on her," Zach said, putting his hand in pocket as he walked upstairs. A trace of weariness etched onto his face. He climbed three steps before halting, and said, "Jadie will return tomorrow afternoon. Prepare a few dishes she enjoys.""Sure, Mr. Jardin," Ros
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Chapter 6
In Madelyn's past life, Zach married Cecilia partly because she bore a slight resemblance to Jadie.From childhood to adulthood, Madelyn was inferior to Jadie in every way, whether it was grades or appearance, except for her family background.Jadie and Zach had a strong bond, but Zach felt no affection for Madelyn, as she was the daughter of his enemy.The knocking grew louder, making Madelyn anxious as she bit her lip. Zach had never been patient with her. If she didn't open the door for him soon, he might even kick it down without a second thought.So, she flicked the light switch, pulled back the blanket, and slipped on her shoes as she got out of bed. Opening the door, she put on a pretense of just waking up and rubbed her eyes. "Brother? You're back! Sorry, I was asleep and didn't hear anything. Is there something you need?"Zach furrowed his eyebrows. However, seeing her sleepy appearance and realizing she had made an effort to let him in, his brows relaxed.He reached out
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Chapter 7
After Zach left, Madelyn could finally sleep peacefully. Knowing that Jadie was alive in this lifetime, the terrifying nightmares no longer haunted her.The next day, Madelyn woke up to footsteps. She rolled over and opened her eyes. In her previous life, she had endured months of chemotherapy, struggling to sleep due to excruciating pain each night. Additionally, her hair fell out unexpectedly, a side effect of the treatment.Madelyn used to cherish her sleep and would get grumpy if anyone disturbed her. Rosario knew this and made sure not to interrupt her rest.However, things had changed now. Madelyn didn't really mind being disturbed anymore. She checked her phone and saw it was a little after eight o'clock. Instead of getting up, she just put her phone aside and dozed off for a short while. She didn't want Zach, who was always suspicious, to become aware of her drastic changes.Madelyn woke up well past eleven o'clock and headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth.A knock on
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Chapter 8
Madelyn sat at her desk, staring at Jadie's unopened gift. She already knew what it was—a Swarovski crystal hair clip. She never cared for jewelry, feeling like each piece was a burden. With a sigh, she put the gift in her desk drawer.Then, she took out her senior math review booklet. The problems weren't too challenging for her, and the pages were still crisp, hardly ever used. In her previous life, Madelyn had struggled in class, but everything changed when she asked Zach for help. He tutored her outside of regular school hours, even though he had only completed middle school-level education. What amazed Madelyn was that Zach could fluently speak five foreign languages. He taught himself all of them with relentless dedication, which made him seem incredibly intelligent. He even outperformed the top student in Ventropolis. No wonder Hayson liked Zach so much.In contrary, Hayson never showed interest in Madelyn's academic performance. Instead, he focused on her extracurricula
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Chapter 9
In a messy room, Ethan sat in his wheelchair with hair covering his eyes. He saw a craft knife amidst broken glass on the floor and heard a voice in his head saying, 'Why hesitate? One cut and the pain will be gone. It'd only sting for a moment. Your parents already divorced and remarried. They have their own children now. They've abandoned you. Go on, end it!'Ethan muttered to himself, 'Mom, Dad, if you didn't love each other, why did you marry? Why did you have me? You both have your own families now. What about me? What am I to you?'A determined look crossed Ethan's face. He tried to get up from the wheelchair, but his legs didn't support him, causing him to fall to the floor. His hand got cut by the glass shards, and blood spilled, staining the wooden floor. He reached for the craft knife in the midst of the mess and revealed the sharp blade by sliding the button upward.He thought that a quick cut across his wrist would set him free. As he placed the blade against his wrist,
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Chapter 10
Madelyn washed her jujubes and put them on the coffee table. She turned on the TV, sat down and enjoyed her favorite treat.After finishing cleaning the kitchen, Rosario saw Madelyn on the couch in dirty clothes. She frowned and playfully scolded, "You little scamp! I just changed the couch cover today, and now it's dirty again. Go to your room, change your clothes, and then come back."Barefoot on the cool floor, Madelyn giggled and dodged Rosario's playful swat, hiding behind the couch. "Can I get changed later, Rosario? I'm so tired. I just want to lie down for a while.""Naughty girl, if Mr. Jardin sees you misbehaving, you'll get punished again. Go to your room," scolded Rosario. "Please, just let me finish this episode. It's only ten more minutes," Madelyn pleaded sweetly. "No way. You have exams coming up, and you're still watching TV. I'm turning it off. Go upstairs and study." At that moment, Zach's voice echoed from behind Madelyn. "Madelyn, Rosario has a weak heart.
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