Chapter 36

At the Albertos mansion after Greg had gotten rid of Laila and Monalisa.

Although Monalisa was still being bitter and stubborn, she made Laila file for a divorce from Grandpa Alberto and demanded almost 70% of Grandpa Alberto's wealth.

But Greg could barely wait to see the shock on their faces when they finally realized that Grandpa Alberto had handed all his properties and businesses to Greg months before Laila even deceived him into signing marriage papers with her.

This simply means that there was absolutely no property for Laila to get 70% of. except, the few dollars in Grandpa's account which he already donated to Charity.

The house abuzz with activity as he prepares for Grandpa Alberto’s burial. It was going to be one of the biggest burials to ever happen in South City.

Grandpa Alberto was a great man, he had influenced many economies of different countries and he was a Godfather to many presidents from different places around the world.

His wedding was not going to be
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