Jessica’s first day at the Creed Tech company was a mix of good and bad events. Some employees were quite friendly with her, whereas some didn’t shy away from expressing their negative opinion on her after hearing her qualifications. She couldn’t blame them because she didn’t even go to college and still somehow managed to get a 150,000 dollar job, so she could understand their envy. She could bear such an ill attitude shown toward her, especially because it was her first day, and she believed that they would change their minds if she were to prove her worth.

Unlike Jessica, Natasha’s first day at Russell’s home was nothing short of terrible. Everybody except her sister and mother treated her as if she was a used tissue paper. Jennifer’s face especially scrunched with anger and disgust whenever their eyes met. Rails ran in Natasha’s heart every few minutes when she wondered how Jennifer would react if the truth were to be revealed.

In a long while, this was the first day Natasha hadn’
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