Chapter 109

If there is a chance behind that cold wall he is capable of feeling rejection, I don’t really want him to feel it from me. I don’t want to be the one who gave up. I will be careful, but right now I want him to know I want to try.

So, I reach out and grasp his hand in mine.

He smiles sleepily. “Much better”

“You know his lips look a little cold too”

“Levi!” Isaac grumbles.

“I thought I was the wing man?” Levi shrugs.

Isaac doesn’t look that upset... I think I might even see a hint of a smile as I chuckle at the two of them. Soon Isaac leans his head back again and falls asleep.

I’ll just hold his hand a little longer.


“She is gonna be here any minute” I mumble against his lips as they tease mine.

My mate responds by groaning in protest and pulling me closer causing me to giggle.

It’s not like I wasn’t already crammed against him in the small play house that rests just inside the woods behind Robert’s parents’ home.

I typically have higher standards for make-out locations. This
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