Caspian and Jenna's interaction caught Melinda's attention, causing her to clear her throat and watch them with suspicion. She couldn't shake off the uneasiness surrounding their relationship.

Sensing Melinda's disapproving stare, Jenna asked sharply, "Is there a problem, Melinda?"

With a forced smile, Melinda casually responded, acting as if she hadn't heard Jenna's question.

Yet, a blend of dissatisfaction and curiosity stirred inside Jenna. It wasn't like her elder sister to hold back her opinion.

"Jenna," Melinda spoke up finally, unable to contain her irritation any longer. "You were so certain that Caspian was cheating on Sylvie with you, and now you're claiming he's your boyfriend?"

Jenna let out a light chuckle, struggling to find the right words to explain herself. "I was just joking around," she said lamely.

"You said the other time that it's not funny for someone like Caspian to just leave his girlfriend without any reason....." Melinda chimed in.

Interrupting, Jenna turne
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