Chapter [089] – POWER OF BEAUTY
Jenna's face lit up with a mix of excitement and satisfaction as she walked into the restaurant. With a widening smile, she made her way to the table, excited to meet Caspian for lunch.

Before she had a chance to take a seat, a man's friendly smile and confident strides towards her drew her attention.

As he came closer, Jenna raised an eyebrow in curiosity. She had no memory of ever having met this man before.

"Hey sir, how may I help you?" she asked, her tone polite yet authoritative.

Taking a moment to pause, the man's gaze swept over Jenna's face.

"You look familiar," he said, taken aback by her stunning appearance.

Jenna furrowed her eyebrows, studying him closely.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe we've met before," she replied calmly, trying to hide her confusion.

Smiling, the man then sat across from Jenna, responding, “Not at all,”

Sitting in Caspian's spot with a nonchalant familiarity, he made her feel uneasy.

"Excuse me," Jenna spoke up after a moment, her voice laced with
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