Chapter 113: The Underdog Billionaire Lives On…

“In a shocking plot twist, all speculations about Jake Turner, also known as the Underdog Billionaire possibly faking his own death have finally been laid to rest following a confession from his former PA, Gregory Lowe, who has admitted in a social media post to being the brain behind the leaked emails.

“According to Lowe, he conceived the idea after months of battling with emotional instability due to a terrible break-up that he never recovered from. He created deep fake emails and posted them to gain attention and create excitement in what he has described as a boring life.

“The story is still developing and we have with us in the studio a behavioural analyst who will break down this topic and – “

Pierce flipped a button on the remote control and the  TV went dead instantly. He swung his swivel chair around to face Jake on the desktop computer screen where he’d been watching the news report f

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