Liam stands on the roof with the investigator. He confirms that the blueprint is indeed of JCDA.

Liam stuffs his hands in his pocket.

"That man stole close to seventy million dollars and still wants more. His greed will cause his downfall."

The investigator says nothing.

"I'll take this to the cops, and this time Kyle won't be getting out of prison."

Liam waits for the man to get off the roof first before he follows.

He calls Cassandra while around the steering wheel.

"Hey cousin," her chirpy voice comes.

"I'm not coming in today, I'll just spend the day with Miranda. Go over some wedding details."

"You got it, boss," Cassandra says, then hangs up before Liam can say anymore.

When Liam gets home, Miranda is there going over a book with wedding themes to choose from.

Liam clears his throat, and she looks up and then smiles.

"Hey," she gives a little nervous laugh.

"What are you doing?" Liam asks, walking over to her.

He looks over her shoulder.

"Wedding themes," he comments.

"Yeah, I w
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