Chapter 198 Final

Nine months later.

Ava was in labor. Alaric rushed to the hospital.

"Doctor, will she be fine?" he asked worriedly.

"Don’t worry, Mr. Alaric, your wife will be fine. Please wait outside.

He has been moving back and forth; it has been almost an hour since Ava went to the labor room.

Very soon the rest joined him.

“Alaric, how is she?” Randybel asked.

"I don’t know; the doctor is still on her, and I don’t know what is happening."

"Have patience; everything will be fine." Ava's grandfather comforted him.

One hour later, they heard the cry of a baby boy. The doctor came out with a smile on his face and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Alaric, your wife gave birth to a boy."

"What did you say, doctor? How come my wife gave birth to a boy."

"No, no, I don’t want a boy," he said, as he sat on the floor and wailed. I want a princess."

His reaction shocked all the people around him.

"Alaric, are you normal? How can you sit on the floor just because you gave birth to a boy? Grandfather said
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