Chapter 194

On the 18th September, Manager Sidney announced that the event would start at 12pm and that he wouldn't allow the soldier to open the gate until the time.

That morning, Rosalie sang a happy birthday song for Dallas and offered him a deep kiss.

“Thank you, prettiest,” Dallas said, smiling as Rosalie brought a cake. On the cake, flames were dancing on the enormous candles.

Dallas leaned to blow the candles and felt special today. He felt more lucky to be with Rosalie today more than anything else.

“Manager Sidney would be waiting for you at the hotel. Will you go?” Rosalie asked.


“I’m not happy yet. Will you kill him?”

“I don’t know yet.”

The face of Rosalie looked pale.

“You are too dangerous. I will forever hate you if you kill my favorite manager.”

“I am jealous because you are calling him your favorite.”

“Oh! my bad. I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Dallas rose. “Wanna play with my kids?”

“The event would start at twelve o’clock,” Rosalie said

“I know.”

“The time is 10:25.”

“I know.”
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