Chapter 28: His driver.

Alex's point of view:

Since I know getting information about this man would be hard,I decided to put more effort into this.

I still had money, so I can use it to get something bigger.

I decided to go through someone, who I was sure would give me the information I needed ,as long as I gave him money,a lot of money.

I first contacted the man about meeting up and after a week he agreed , I put on my disguise and went to the venue. I was very careful and made preparations to escape in case it was a trap.

We met in a private room in a bar.

I sat down to talk.

“I want to ask you something important about your boss." I told him ,as I handed ten $100 bills to him and his eyes lit up.

He smiled, as he took the money immediately and put it inside his pocket.

One thousand dollars should be big money to him as he is working as a driver and being paid $2,000 a month , but he has a gambling problem and is in a lot of debt, so any money that he comes across he would get it by any means.

“What do yo
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