Chapter 29: Ceo Diana wants to see you.

Alex's point of view:

I was cooking in the kitchen and my phone on the kitchen counter kept ringing .

I took one look at it and clicked my tongue in annoyance.

Just because I ended the call on him twice, he wants to go insane and is blowing up my phone with calls.

"What a moron" I hissed ,as I turned off the stove and took a plate to dish out my food.

Even though the man that give me the job to investigate about the executives of Diana enterprise has called me numerous times, I refuse to answer his calls, because I know he just wanted to yell at me and ask me why I ended the call and honestly , I was tired and needed to rest, since he said we would meet in a week time, so be it, all I had to do was tell Pinky that we couldn't meet up in a week time.

I took my plate and went to the small dining table I had to eat and when I sat down Ceo Daniel began to call me and I answered the call.

"Alex ,why are you not answering his call?" CEO Daniel asked me in a panic and I rolled my eyes, ju
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