The handsome duo

Saul blinked at Clay's question and was silent for a while as he turned to stare at June's cage and where she probably stood inside of it.

He eventually turned to Clay and smiled as he shook his head in the negative .

"No, I have always known. I figured out a while back when I noticed that she never closed the door to her room back at the church too and she hated going anywhere alone,if she was left alone for too long,she would get cranky and act out, so it was quite obvious that she hated lone spaces",he explained slowly.

"Oh...I see",was Clay's only reply as she began to remember instances where Saul's statements had indeed been true.

Clay nodded, thoroughly ashamed that she had never even noticed this and had been too eager to label everything June did as acting out.

She looked up to the darkened cage and hoped that she was okay .

Saul looked at Clay then and noticed the way her fists were clenched.

He smiled vaguely.

The girls never seemed to be on the same page about anything but
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