Chapter 130

The dinner date they were having started to take a pleasant turn as they had so much fun talking about the funny things they had had in their life together.

Jennie could see how well the date was going and she knew this was her chance to ask some of the questions which bothered her. It was now or never with the man before her. She had to do it now.

“Hey, I’ve been thinking,” she started while swirling the spaghetti in her plate around with her fork. “I haven’t seen you around any woman that isn’t me or Mary. I was thinking if you were having something serious with anyone.”

He shook his head, drinking from his cup, “Nope. I’m not seeing anyone at the moment. I’m as single as they come.”

“So are you going to see anyone soon? You know, for something serious like dating or…”

“I don’t want to have anything serious now. I’m not ready for that.” He sighed at his harsh response. “I’m sorry. I’ve just had a hard time after breaking up with Alice, that is all. I’m not ready to have anything ser
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