Chapter 9.

Indeed this boy was harmless and somewhat coward because he let fear rule him, well he couldn't be blamed when strange things were happening. Ethan scratched his face which was itching and suddenly stucked his eyes on the old man who was busy creating weapons for protection possibly. He glanced at the terrified kids who did their best to stuff food into their mouth while silent tears flowed freely. Excusing himself to the bathroom, he stood by the vanity unit and stared at the mirror, his reflection suddenly laughed at him as its eyeball darken, it's lips poured out blood. Ethan fell to the ground and moved back scared by his own image.

"Who are you!" He asked attempting to stand up and his reflection laughed.

"I am you, isn't this what you always wanted? Humans should vanish, they left us to suffer, nobody cares!". It snarled and Ethan stared shocked that he was talking with himself.

"Stay away from me!" He responded closing his ears from listening.

"You can't change the fact, let go and join force with me, if we become monsters, you can rule the world!" It whispered as blood drooled from its nose. Ethan was frit as he yelled and his reflection vanished. The old man quickly took a spear and gun, wheeled to the bathroom wondering if Ethan had encountered a monster or was becoming one.


Footstep approached them as everyone had an instrument to protect them even though they weren't as brave as they appeared, it was still best they stocked together. The footstep was becoming loud as the firefighter rushed downstairs with two more occupants, she had her extinguisher as she could see that the neighbors down here were pointing weapons towards the lobby where footsteps could be heard. After a while of waiting in anticipation, Fidel happen to be the one, he didn't look harmed nor worn out as he was perfectly fine. There was a bit relief amongst them as he walked pass them towards the firefighter.

"Please did you find my sister?" He asked staring at the stairs and she shook her head. Everyone here looked despair worried over their loved ones but they needed to save themselves first. The firefighter walked back ensuring that she would return with his sister and he thanked her. He motioned to the two occupants to take a seat as he observed everyone over here.

"I wish I wasn't born!" Ken began as everywhere seemed silent and suddenly Agatha ran towards the gate screaming that her daughter was somewhere close by and coming towards her. It was shocking that the GPS tracker was still on which made her locate her daughter's whereabout. Agatha was trying to get the gates opened while screaming that someone should save her daughter.

"She's crazy, all connection are cut off, how would she be heading our way?" Rodger snapped as two men ran hold Agatha back. Fidel took a step forward to scrutinize what was happening outside, he could see a girl covered in blood running from a distance and calling out to her mother. The coast seem clear but he couldn't trust the sudden silence, his mind was void of what to say exactly because it wasn't safe to step outside besides, monster could just be by the corner.

"What should we do Fidel?" Mrs Choi asked terrified but he wasn't saying anything. He was their leader now and they could only do as he said but why was he silent? There was an uproar amongst themselves as none was willing to go out except Agatha but she was held back. A young soldier who was among them took it upon himself to save her and immediately he ran after her, a monster tore him along with the student. Fidel swallowed hard and stepped back as he gave orders that they should close the gates but Agatha slapped him yelling that he was at fault. Everything happened so quickly as the woman cried out to his hearing that he was evil to have left her daughter to die.

"Do you want everyone to die!" He barked and then sigh knowing that he was screaming for his elder. There was silence as this woman collasped immediately he said that quickly, two women took her to a room to help recover as it happen to be a shock to the weary lady. Deep in his heart, he felt sad too but there was no way they could save the child because she was a bait. He observed the few who were on the ground floor and could see fear and hunger written on their faces.

"We all might die out of starvation" Rodger mused as he glanced at the grocery shop which he sat beside, it was locked and the only way to get access was by breaking in but he shoved his face away as soon as he met Fidel's reflection which appeared on the glass door. He was staring at the old man who looked like one who was ready to break in if not controlled besides it's owner was inside with his wife and not willing to help as he requested for money before handing over anything.

"Ollie!" Fidel called and the boy jumped up from where he sat, he was a delivery boy and had come over to deliver goodies to an occupant in this building, he barely survived and found himself here craving to survive.

"See to it that we got food supplies..."

"What? But I can't it's scary" he cuts in hiding his face with a book he had on his hand. He knew that getting food supplies could mean going through a lot of monsters in this building to the 11th floor where another grocery shop could be found.

"You're not going alone" Fidel beckoned as his eyes met with Ken who was terrified and praying that his name wasn't mentioned. He suddenly hurried up to the guard room where all CCTV footages were, it had different screens that shows the corridors, entrance and outside of this building. His intentions was to pass a message accross for all those survivors in the building.

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