Episode 51 Unveiling Shadows

The Mysterious Death

Ruth entered the cell and found the girls sitting in silence, their eyes filled with sorrow. "Why do you all look like this?" she asked, concern etched on her face. The girls exchanged glances before one of them spoke up, tears streaming down her cheeks. "We lost our fellow inmate, an old woman who killed her husband due to mistreatment."

"Was she sick?" Ruth inquired, her voice filled with compassion. The room fell silent once again, and the girls looked down, unable to meet Ruth's gaze. "She was sick, and she had been in and out of the hospital," one of the girls finally replied, her voice trembling. "But the woman was kind-hearted. It was definitely a scam," another girl added.

"What do you mean, a scam? Do you think she was framed for killing her husband? That there is someone else involved?" Ruth questioned, her curiosity piqued. The girls proceeded to share all they knew about the woman. She used to tell them that her husband was killed by an evil woman, but that was all she could say.

Ruth stood up and went to the cell door, calling for the warden. "Can I please make a call?" she requested, her voice determined. Soon, a phone was brought to her, and she dialed her brother's number. "Alex," she began as soon as the call was picked up, "can you please investigate something for me?" Her brother agreed to look into the woman who had just died in prison.

"Why did you call your brother?" Dorothy, one of the girls, asked, her curiosity evident. Ruth smiled, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "I want him to investigate the woman who has just died here. Even if she is proved innocent, she is still gone. But at least she won't be buried as a criminal, and the real criminal will be here, paying for her crimes," she explained. Dorothy nodded, understanding Ruth's compassionate nature. "You are truly a compassionate assassin," she remarked, and everyone in the cell agreed.

The Investigation Begins

Alex arrived in town, ready to uncover the truth. His first stop was James, a trusted ally. "My sister has given me a mission," he reported to James. "What does she want us to do?" James asked, his interest piqued. "She wants us to reinvestigate the woman named Margarita. Five years ago, she murdered her husband," Alex explained. James, feeling bored, questioned, "What does she want us to do about that? As far as I can remember, the case was closed."

"She wants to reopen the case, and I have a lead," Alex said, a smile playing on his lips. "Have you found something?" James asked, sitting up straighter. Alex's smile widened. "Yes, I did. I found out that Joseph, Margarita's husband, had a girlfriend. But that girlfriend mysteriously disappeared after becoming pregnant with his child," Alex revealed. James's eyes widened with intrigue. "Do you think Joseph did something to her, and she killed him?" he asked, his mind racing with possibilities.

"Let's go and find out," Alex declared, grabbing his car keys. James, slightly concerned, questioned, "Are you even allowed to drive?" Alex chuckled. "No, I don't have a license, but I can drive very well," he replied confidently. James laughed, warning, "If you drive again without a license, I'm going to confiscate your car." Alex smirked, pulling out a paper from a folder. "No one can take this baby away from me. Besides, I've applied for a license," he said, waving a letter of authorization. James was surprised. "You're just sixteen. How did they allow you to have one of those?" he asked. Alex grinned mischievously. "I have friends. Who do you think gave me this?" he said, brandishing the letter. "A letter of authorization? So, you are allowed to drive," James said, astonished. "I have no words for you, kid. Let's go and find the truth about Margarita," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

Unveiling Secrets

Alex drove with exhilarating speed, causing James to worry for their safety. "Can you drive slowly before you kill us?" James pleaded. Alex, enjoying the thrill, replied, "No, we're going at my own speed." James, not willing to give up, threatened, "Okay, then I'm calling Ruth and telling her you want to kill us both." He reached for his phone, ready to make the call. "Alright, alright, you win, Mr. Police Officer. I'll drive like an old diva," Alex relented, slowing down. "Can you drive like a normal person now?" James asked, exasperated. Alex complied, but with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I don't get you. Why do you want me to drive like a normal person? Don't you know I'm a paranormal?" he teased, causing both of them to burst into laughter.

Margarita's house had been sold, so James and Alex decided to visit her husband's side chick. Sitting in the car, they waited for the girl to leave before entering the house.

"Ruth said I should start by looking in locked drawers," Alex said, his eyes scanning the room. James, confused, asked, "How did she know we were going to find a locked drawer?" Alex shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. "I guess it's her assassin instinct. And look, there's a diary here," he said, pulling out a red-covered journal.

Alex read the diary as if it were his own, his eyes widening with each page. "James!" he called out, scanning everything in the diary. "Let's go now!" Alex exclaimed, urgency in his voice. They left the house after discreetly planting cameras that even the owner wouldn't notice.

Returning to their base, Alex and James sat down, and Alex began to read the scanned diary.

Unveiling the Truth

"Dairy," Alex read aloud, correcting himself, "Dear diary, today I have found a good man. I think I'm in love with him," he read from one of the pages.

"Today, on the 13th of 2000, I found out that Joseph, my love, has a wife," another page revealed.

"I can't believe it, dear diary. When I showed my mother a picture of Joseph, she said he is my father. I can't believe it, and I don't even know what to do because I'm pregnant," the diary continued.

"Alex, do you mean Queen was pregnant with her own father's child?" James asked, shock evident in his voice. Alex nodded, his expression filled with pity. The next page in the diary confirmed their suspicions. "My dear diary, let me tell you, today I confronted Joseph. 'Joseph, I'm pregnant,' I said. 'You have to abort the baby, Queen. My wife owns everything, and without her, I'm a nobody,' Joseph replied. 'Do you know a woman named Lucy?' I asked. 'Why are you asking?' he questioned. 'Because she gave birth to your baby,' I said. 'What do you mean? I told her to abort the child. I can't have a bastard for a child,' he said, anger seeping through his words."

"Dear diary, today my mom is dead. Joseph killed her for giving birth to me," Queen's diary revealed, her pain evident in her words.

"Dear diary, today I killed Joseph. I went to his house and added poison to the food his wife cooked. He almost killed me when I told him I was his daughter. He ate the poison, and now they think his wife killed him. I feel sorry for the old woman, but I can't go to prison. After Joseph killed my mom and my child, and he wanted to kill me before I was even born," the diary concluded.

Alex and James rushed to the police station, eager to share their findings with Ruth. They explained how they had found evidence that the woman who had just died was innocent of the charges against her.

The police wasted no time in arresting Queen for the murder, finally allowing the other woman to receive justice.

Redemption and Compassion

Ruth watched as Queen entered the cell, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions. Dorothy, one of the girls, whispered, "Look at her." Ruth turned to face Dorothy, her expression stern. "Don't make her life miserable," she said firmly. Dorothy nodded, understanding Ruth's message. Ruth's compassion and empathy had touched the hearts of everyone in the cell.

The preparations for Ruth's trial were underway, and Dorothy tried to comfort her. "Only two days to go, and you will be out of here," she said, her voice filled with hope. Ruth, plagued by uncertainty, replied, "I'm not sure if I won't be given years in prison." She glanced at the prison warden, her eyes filled with worry.

The prisoners were allowed to attend the funeral of the woman who had died, but Ruth refused to go. Instead, she requested that the family take her, ensuring that the woman would have a proper burial. "She did not deserve to be buried as a criminal," Ruth explained to Dorothy. "Yes, but you did wrong by framing an innocent woman. She did not deserve it," Ruth said, her voice filled with remorse. Everyone in the cell looked at her, surprised by her admission.

"Don't look at her like that," Ruth said, her voice firm. "She was a victim. Her mother was killed by the man she loved, and her baby was killed before it was even born. On top of it all, she found out her father was the same man she was in love with. She had suffered enough," Ruth explained, her words resonating with everyone in the cell. And one by one, they began to share their own stories, finding solace in each other's pain.

As the truth unfolded, the lives of those involved were forever changed. Queen faced the consequences of her actions, while the real criminal was brought to justice. Ruth, once an assassin, found redemption in her quest for truth and justice.

The bond between the girls in the cell grew stronger, as they learned to support and understand one another. Ruth's compassion and empathy became a guiding light, reminding them that even in the darkest of times, there is always room for redemption and forgiveness.

To be continued.............

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