Chapter one hundred and eighty four: Endowed with honour
Later in the day, when he had slept to his satisfaction he walked out of his room. Stretching himself he went downstairs in search of his father and when he was halfway he heard chattering sounds coming from outside the house.

He quickly opened the door and right on his doorstep was a crowd of reporters.

He looked around the compound only to realize that everything was fixed.

"It's him, It is Thomas Celso," One of the reporters alarmed the others as they all left Tony and headed toward him instead.

"Can you please tell us what your role in the just resolved case was. We all heard that you played the role of Clark Kent…" While the reporters went on Tony walked up to Thomas as he carried him inside then shut the door.

"Dad, what's going on?" Thomas asked.

"Don't ask me that. I don't how it happened but you and your friends are all over the news now. Especially you, Thomas," Tony replied.

"What about the stuff we were supposed to fix, who did the work?"

"The news about you got to the ear
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